Sasuke, Sasuke, let down your hair.

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"You want me to do what?" Itachi asked, irritated and clearly bothered that he was called down to visit Kyu in the hospital. He thought he would pass by quickly and be on his way back, but now he had to deal with Kisame and Sakura all thanks to his stupid little brother.

"Climb up there and open Naruto's window. Sasuke's locked in there with too many locks for me to pick and the window is the only one with very few locks." Kisame explained, walking around the garden hose and stepping over the mud left over by the previous day's heavy rain.

"And why can't you do it?" Itachi asked, finding this an all too easy task as he had done it before on Naruto's birthday and a couple other times.

"Look at me, Itachi. That rope would break the second I hang on to it." Kisame grabbed a rope, handing it over to Itachi. "Besides, you're much slimmer and I'm pretty sure you could fit through the window."

"Mm." Sakura nodded. "Plus, there's no way I'm going up there."

"Why?" Itachi gave her a lecherous smile. "Scared we'll look up your skirt? Sorry babe, but I'm not interested in scarring myself for life yet." He laughed while evading a punch from the pink haired girl. "Chill, Princess. Here, hold my phone."

"I kind of don't want to. Who knows what weird shit you have in there." Sakura said, grabbing the phone as if it were something dirty and handing it over to Kisame. "Need help?" She asked, now watching as the Uchiha threw the rope over a sturdy tree branch.

"Nah." Itachi answered. "But wait..."

"What?" The two asked in unison.

"You said Sasuke was locked up in Naruto's room?" Suddenly Itachi found this a little bit too suspicious.

Sakura looked up to Naruto's room window and rolled her eyes. "That idiot has himself locked up in there." She said, her face showing a bit of sadness as she could only imagine how hard Sasuke was taking this. "Naruto hasn't replied to anyone in almost four days. He's worried to death." She added as Kisame too, looked up towards the window. "He doesn't come out unless we leave food for him outside the door."

Itachi rolled his eyes, thinking of how stupid his little brother could be to sulk over Naruto. A devious smirk showed on the Uchiha's face for merely a second as he thought back to the beautiful blond waiting for him back at the cabin. Indeed, four days had gone by and the blond was still as naïve as ever, coming up with petty ideas to escape. It was useless by the third day, as Itachi had gotten a little bit adventurous and had tied the blond to the bed, that way Naruto wouldn't have any way to escape.

Plus, Itachi knew he was too sore to even move.

"Idiot." Itachi scoffed, making sure the rope was tight around his waist. "Sasuke worries too much. I'm pretty sure he'll come back. Has he tried calling him yet?"

"How many times do you think he called on the first day, dumbass?" Sakura replied, ignoring the glare sent her way as Itachi began climbing upwards towards the window. "And forget Sasuke, Kyu's been restless."

"Kyu will be fine." Itachi said from already halfway up the wall. "He's in a wheelchair, at least for now. It's just a stupid foot, he'll be walking around in no time." Itachi grunted.

"Idiot, that's not what I mean. He's worried sick about Naruto. He hasn't been sleeping, did you even go see him?" Sakura asked.

"Of course, duh." Itachi rolled his eyes as he recalled the pathetic sobbing idiot. "He looked like shit, but still better than you." He chuckled, receiving an insult in return from the pink hared girl below. "But anyways, he'll be fine."

"It's Naruto we should be worrying about." Kisame shouted. "You saw him last, don't you know here he went?"

"Dude, like I told everyone else: we fought, he called the cops on me, and I left. Kyu had already been on his way, I know, because I was shouting over the phone with him about why I fought his little brother."

"You fought with Naruto?!" Sakura asked. "How come nobody told me this?"

Itachi laughed, holding on to the rope tightly. "Because you tend to run your mouth, sweetheart. Use it for something else and be a good girl, maybe then we'll tell you things." At the remark, the pinkette got flustered, frowning as she stomped inside. Kisame shook his head, leaning against the tree to watch how his friend climbed so easily towards the window. "Think I made her mad?" Itachi asked, still laughing.

"Just keep your mouth shut." Kisame said with a sigh. "Almost?"

"Almost." Itachi grunted, taking one last step before finally making it to the window, knocking on it to see if Sasuke would unlock it. "So, is Sasuke supposed to open it or what?" Itachi shouted, using the strategy he used to open the very same window only days and weeks ago. "Woa-shit!" Itachi almost fell, holding on to the rope at the last moment to maintain his hold. "Sasuke, what the fuck!?"

Sasuke had been sleeping. He had stayed up for three entire nights in a row and only now was he barely dozing off when he heard the window lock rattling. Ignoring the fact that it was plain daylight, he grabbed an iron bar he took from the chimney downstairs, opened the window, and nearly stabbed his brother's fingers as he prepared to meet the one responsible for his blond's kidnapping. Well, he wasn't wrong, but what did he know? "Itachi?" He asked, at first confused as he took a moment to process what was happening, then he frowned. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"You shit, is that any way to talk to me?! What do you think I'm doing?! Open the fucking door, god damn it. Here I am risking my fucking ass and you almost make me fall to my death." Itachi barked. "Shut the fuck up, Kisame, this isn't funny!" He shouted down to his friend, knowing the man had been chuckling a bit. "Help me up, Sasuke. Or do me a favor an dopen the door so I can get down."

"Leave me alone." Sasuke dropped the iron bar and began closing the window. Itachi stopped him just in time, pulling himself up. "Itachi, leave." Sasuke mumbled. "Like seriously, unless you have something on Naruto, leave."

Ignoring his brother, Itachi took a good long look at Sasuke instead. Messy hair that was kept uncombed for what seemed to be days, dark under eye bags and clearly, he needed a shower. He was still in what one would consider sleep wear, but knowing his brother was usually lazy, Itachi just figured this was his casual dress. "I have nothing on Naruto, but everyone is worried about you." He said, looking around the room to find about two, no, at least four plates of barely touched or half eaten food sitting upon the desk against a western wall. Naruto's clothes were all over the bed in a mountain and all of Naruto's things were thrown on the carpet almost as if Sasuke had...well, of course he had thrown them there. Itachi chuckled internally, seeing how pitiful and pathetic his little brother looked to worry about Naruto. "And look at you." Itachi pointed out, walking over to the door to unlock a series of simple and complex door locks while watching his brother bury himself in Naruto's clothing. "Instead of looking for him, all you're doing is laying there in a pile of shit."

"Fuck off." Sasuke groaned. "The police have no leads, what the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"The police?" Itachi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Missing persons report. Kyu added that he may have been kidnapped by the fucking scumbag who raped him." Sasuke didn't sound too well as he said it aloud to his brother, his voice seemed a little hoarse. "'Tachi, what else can I do?" Sasuke asked with a crack in his voice. Itachi looked over at his brother with indifference, flicking a final lock and finally opening the door.

As the two stepped in, Sakura noted the visual state of the younger Uchiha and walked over to comfort him, Kisame thanking Itachi.

Looking back at his brother, Itachi watched as Sasuke broke down as soon as Sakura dug him up from the pile of clothes. All this, over Naruto? He rolled his eyes, sighing and walking out.

"Where are you going?" Kisame asked, stepping outside the room to watch the Uchiha begin walking down the stairs.

"Business," Itachi replied. "It's a long trip there and the sooner I leave, the better. Call me if you guys find anything." He lied, already downstairs and heading out towards the front door. In his twisted mind, he only thought of getting to the cabin sooner. The ride from Naruto's house was a long one, about five hours away. "Hm." He nodded to himself as he turned on the car engine. He decoded: the longer it took him to get there, the more he was going to make sure driving there was worth it.

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