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It was hard to get out of bed without waking up Sasuke. After finishing up all they could do, everybody retired at around six. Kyu had invited everyone out for food as thanks, though Naruto chose to stay home. Quite frankly, he had no appetite.

It was weird. After Everyone left, Sasuke and Naruto remained at home and for the most part, they laid on their bed in silence. No one said a word as the lay next to each other, blue eyes meeting dark eyes. The urge to wipe everything away from his skin came to him and soon, Naruto had been all over Sasuke. They made out, yes, though Sasuke knew this was a way to forget the other's touch.

It wasn't the same anymore, and Naruto hated Itachi even more now for that. This wasn't love anymore, at least, not from his part. Sasuke was the one who kissed him out of love, who touched him out of love, who made him feel pleasure, all out of love. Whereas Naruto, it was all to wipe away the stains left behind by a monster. Sasuke didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve any of it. Naruto had felt guilty, knowing Sasuke deserved better than to have him beg him to touch him just so he can forget Itachi's touch. He didn't deserve to have Naruto rub against him like that, as if to wipe away everything dirty off of him. This wasn't love anymore, it was pain.

They fell asleep together, embracing each other tightly and now, as the clock read eleven fifty six, they had to depart.

Naruto trembled in fear, feeling cold for what's to come. He looked out from the living room window and surely enough, Itachi was outside. He waited there, inside his car, the lights turned off and the engine roaring softly.

As he caught sight of Naruto, he beckoned him over. Of course, Naruto wasn't about to head out just like that. He grabbed the house keys, placing them inside his pocket knowing that should Itachi do anything, Naruto could easily adjust the keys between his fingers and punch him to get away.

"Put your seatbelt on, I don't want you dead just yet." Itachi said as he pulled out of the driveway and began heading out of the neighbourhood. He drove normally, slowing down as he turned intersections and corners. "How do you feel, Naruto?" He asked. Naruto wondered just how he could ask that. "You're looking like shit with everyday that passes." He comments, stopping at a read light and looking out the car window. "You look disgusting."

Was this why he had brought him out? To insult him? Naruto felt his heart speed up as held in the urge to shout at him. Who's fault was it that he was like this?

"Although ridiculous, I'm taking you out to eat before I show you the surprise." He said, his hand reaching over to touch Naruto's thigh. Naruto tensed a bit, silently praying someone pulled over next to them and noticed his discomfort, but then again, no one here drives around past twelve. "Eat more. I hate fucking you when you look like a fucking corpse."

"It's too act caring." Naruto said softly, his eyes trailing Itachi's hand and looking out the window as he pulled away. Itachi scoffed, driving a bit more faster on the unlit road. For a moment, Naruto wondered if he would survive if he were to push Itachi so that the car flips over. Somehow the thought of one of them dying didn't sound so bad, preferably, Naruto wanted himself to be the lucky one to cross the other side. That way he wouldn't have to live with this. It didn't sound so bad.

"How about you? Isn't it also a little to late to be like that with Sasuke?" He asked, laughing as once again, his hand reaches out to single handedly unbutton Naruto's pants. Failing to do so as the blond intervened, Itachi smirked. "Of course, not that I mind. Use him to feel better, at the end of the day, I still take over most of your thoughts. I still win." He speeds up a bit. "If you think about it, using Sasuke like that, you're no different than me. Of course, the only difference is both of you agree to it, whereas I?" He chuckled, this time catching Naruto off guard and sticking his hand inside his jeans. "I have no need for both of us to agree. If I want it, you better be prepared to give it. Your fighting makes it all more fun."

He laughed once again, locking the doors and only pulling his window down while continuing his movements despite the blond's struggle. "See? I have you shaking with please already." He smirked, using his free hand to...oh, but Naruto just had to throw up. "Enjoy it, Naruto. I doubt Sasuke can make you do this." He said, and as soon as he did, Naruto cried as he made him release, the substance being rubbed all over his stomach by Itachi's dirtied hand.

'Why?!' Naruto thought. And indeed, this was the only question running around in his head once more. Why? Why does his body react on his own? Why?! Why, no matter how he pushes him away, does he do this?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY WAS HE


The look on Itachi's face was pure satisfaction a he took his hand off of Naruto's appendage and parked the car in front of a small shop. "Get off and don't you dare say a word. If anybody asks, we're together." He said, grabbing Naruto by the hair and pulling him in for a kiss. "Naruto." He growled, pulling harder to make the blond focus on him. Once having the blond's attention, he leaned in and bit a little at the boy's jaw, smiling as he unlocked the doors and climbed out. "You run, and remember, I still have your brother's future in my hands." He reminded.

Naruto frowned, wiping away at his tears as he sat in the passenger seat. Itachi walked around to open the door for him, waiting fro him to get out. "Oh, and Naruto?" The blond looked over at him as he stepped out. "Put a smile on, would you?"

There's a Reason He Doesn't SleepNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ