Born Of Fire Chapter 25

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Hey everyone! Okay, now most of you know this, but votes and comments inspire me. So, instead of pulling the whole, "Nine million votes or I wont upload!" bit, I will do this.

For another upload in seven days, 5 votes.

For another upload in three days, 15 votes.

For another upload in one day, 24 votes.

And please, take the time to leave me a comment, as I really enjoy reading them! I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I know I enjoyed writing it!

The four kept their horses still until the gate had raised fully, then a man strode out to meet them, claymore drawn. He stayed ten yards away from them and called over the distance. “What business have you in Darval?”

Phoenix raised his own voice. “We come seeking the forces of Demetruis. To send them from this land, and leave it in peace.”

The man raised his claymore at the mention of Demetruis. “How do we not know you are agents of Demetruis, seeking to kill us in our sleep?”

Phoenix scoffed. “I am Phoenix, son of Doritan of Yaag. Surely you have heard of my father, or even me. We come as friends, seeking information on the armies movements.”

The man seemed to relax, and sheathed his claymore. Striding across the distance between them, he laid a hand on Phoenix’s horses neck. “Forgive me Phoenix, but in these times, one does well to be cautious.”

Phoenix dismounted, and gripped the man’s forearm in greeting. “Agreed. What is your name soldier?”

The man lowered his head, and set his foot back, and Phoenix followed suit. This was the traditional greeting in Darval, and Phoenix knew that going along with tradition would grant him favor with the people within.  “I am Tavius, son of Garon. My father was the leader of this city, until a soldier of Demetruis sent him to his grave early. I now rule in his stead, until the people decide they want someone better.”

Phoenix balked, knowing that the leader of a city was not supposed to enter combat or anything dangerous, lest he be killed and the city left in chaos. “Why is you came to greet us then, not knowing whether we were friend or foe?” Phoenix asked.

Tavius chuckled, then started leading them back to the gate. “I would not ask any of my men to do anything I would not be willing to do myself. My life holds no greater value then each of theirs.”

Phoenix and Tavius walked quickly, talking all the while. Ember, Spedro, and Lindani followed closely, listening to their conversation.

Almost at the gates, Lindani guided her horse next to Ember’s and leaned over, speaking in a hushed voice. “Such gilded words flow from him now. Why has Phoenix never spoken in this manner before?”

Ember smiled sadly, then met Lindani’s eye. “Phoenix see’s most people as below him, not worthy of his simple words, more or less his gilded ones.”

The gate closed behind them with a thud, and the people of Darval came cautiously into the street, eyeing Phoenix and the newcomers. Tavius raised his hands, and his voice followed. “People of Darval, this is Phoenix, son of Doritan of Yaag. He has come seeking information on the armies of Demetrius, to attempt to drive them from our lands!”

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