Hi guys! (:

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Hiya! So I'm working on a few new books, It would mean alot if you guys would check them out! I would really really appreciate it if you'd take the time to read them, vote and comment on them if you like! :D Thank you guys so much for reading this story, I hope you all enjoyed it! :D They're on my profile so just go one there to read them.(:

-Its No Secret...That I Love You- SEQUEL TO THIS BOOK! make sure you go check it out!

-The Cracked Veil- Its my most recent one i've started, it doesn't have but three chapters so far! I'd love it if you'd check it out and leave me what you think about it!

-Secretly Done, Secretly Loved- This one is also a Student/Teacher romance, itd not finished yet, only about Eleven chapters, but it would still mean alot if you'd check it out(:

-Outlawed And Inlove- This one too is a student/Teacher romance, it IS finished(: and I already have one chapter of the sequel up! 

-Everlasting- Sequel to Outlawed And Inlove(: 

So yeah! There you have it. I would REALLY REALLY REALLY appriciate it if you would go check these out and tell me what you think. I love the support you guys have given me for this story so far, so why not make the other ones this popular too!? :D


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