"Let me sort this out," Brad whispered, "Make a sudden move and they'll kill him and I won't let that happen." He dropped me down softly, anger in his eyes as he say my wounds, spinning to face the man; "Put the boy down, he doesn't have to be involved in this. It's between us."

"My orders," the man hacked out, coughing up blood as Carter winced, tears flooding down his face in a silent cry. "My orders were to kill any werewolf, no matter how old." I growled as a trickle of blood fell down Carter's neck, taking a step towards him protectively before the man's gaze snapped to me.

"If you back down now, I'll let the children live."

Brad tensed up, standing a few feet away from them as he hesitated, eyes falling to my form as I nodded, You have to save the children. He nodded grimly, holding his hands up in surrender, the rogue throwing Carter down to the floor. I shifted back and scurried over to Carter, landing on the floor next to him, struggling to stay awake from the amount of blood I had lost. The rogue's knife had landed a few feet away from Carter, the rogue now too preoccupied with Brad and the rest of the wolves to notice.

Quickly I scooped it up, gingerly kissing the top of Carter's head before pushing myself off the ground. My feet scuffed the ground as I limped towards the rogue's back, Brad's eyes widening when he say me, causing the rogue to turn. But it was too late. Just as he was mid-turn, I plunged the knife into his back at an upward angle, piercing him through the rib cage as he fell to the floor, blood pooling out his mouth.

I didn't have time to even look at Brad before I crashed to the floor, world fading to black.


"You were absolutely amazing!" Stefan complimented as Brad gave me a proud grin, his arm slung gently around my shoulders as we sat around the pack table, Ty to my left.

It was eight days after the attack, and there were barely signs that we had even been attacked. Our numbers had dropped dramatically but also risen from the amount of rogues Ty recruited to help us fight. When he had escaped with Kaira, they herded together all the rogues they could find, promising them a place in the pack if they helped fight.

So now, with our larger pack, we all sat together re-visiting stories of the attack and reveling in our victory. Brad pulled my chin upwards, making me face him as he trailed a finger down my cheek where the pale white scar would forever be, similar to the one on my stomach.

After I had passed out, the rounded up what was left of the attackers and placed them in a temporary prison until they could all be questioned and dealt with accordingly. I was then rushed off to the hospital with countless other wolves were I was helped, waking up two days ago almost completely healed, my stomach taking slightly longer to repair itself. The doctor said the scars would never fade, but Brad was fine with me being marred, he said it made me more 'perfect' to him- a reminder of how truly amazing I am.

Of course I punched his arm until he took it back and now here we are. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"Only about a thousand times," I mumbled to Brad, closing the gap between our lips hungrily as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed me like I was water and he was a man dying of dehydration, not seeming to be able to get enough of me as his arms wrapped around my slightly sensitive waist, fingers trailing the bandage ensues lightly.

"Get a room you two!" Ty teased, punching Brad roughly as I pulled away, rolling my eyes.

"We have one, how about you and Kaira? You can't go at it like rabbits on my couch for much longer!" I glared at them both pointedly, Kaira flushing under my gaze as she fiddled with her hands.

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