Chapter Twenty Six -

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Chapter Twenty Six

WARNING: Girl on girl action in the chapter. Don't read if you're underaged or sensitive to those kind of things and such.... Just putting this here so I don't sound like an immoral bitch who doesn't warn people about that kind of thing.

"Well... Here we are...." Matt frowns pulling up at the house blasting with loud music and drunken cheers. Quite a lot of cars were already parked on the front lawn and some people were sitting at the garden probably smoking something illegal.

"So are you ready?" I grin at Matt. He stares at the steering wheel for a while before sighing and nodding.

"Great!! Let's go then!" I was gonna open the car door when I caught him looking at me funny. I just gave him a questioning look.

"Weren't you annoyed that you have to go to this party??" He frowns at me. I shrug at him grinning again.

"I was? I'm all normal now though?" He kept staring at me funny so I start pushing him out of the car and get out myself as well. He locks the door and comes to my side taking my hand.

"Let's go... One last act." We walk together through the doors. Immediately all heads turn to look at us.

Nah I'm just kidding.

The party is on full blast. Music blaring through the house and sweaty people grinding against each other everywhere. In a situation like that no one would notice us just like that.

We walk through the crowds avoiding some drunken bumps. Halfway through the kitchen I almost fell because some stupid shit bumped into the girl with the crutches. Me. And all of a sudden, Matt is no longer with me holding my hand so I turn around only to find him being surrounded by the three girls who invited us.

"Matty! You came! How's it going?" One of the girls asks with an overly enthusiastic voice and her hand touching Matt's arm.

"Yeah! So good to see you! You look handsome as always!" Says the second girl trying to flirt with him.

Have you ever heard of that fact-thingy where they say that a girl's voice gets higher when they talk to the people they like?

Well if that's true the third girl must be so deeply in love with Matt as she's complimenting his outfit while also mentioning me asking why I'm not with him. I'm glad people are using plastic cups and not glasses because they would've probably broke.

"Ladies... Thanks for inviting us tonight." I sneak my way through them to Matt's side as good as a girl with crutches can sneak through the crowds. Immediately the girls' expressions turn a bit to the annoyed side. Them bitches.

"Hi Cassie! We didn't see you!" The first girl, well let's just call her girl A (I didn't really take the time to know or remember her name since I don't think I have any classes with her nor would I want to have one).

"Oh yeah I was just on my way to the kitchen when I realized MY boyfriend is not with me anymore" I make sure to give an emphasize on the word 'my' so they know Matt is still my boyfriend right now.

"Aaanyway..." Girl B breaks the kind of hostile atmosphere around us by pushing girl C with the crazy high voice towards Matt.

"It's her party! So you should dance with her Matt!" She says winking.

"Uhh..." Matt looks at me as if asking for permission. Inside I'm glad that he did not turn into a fine-with-any-girl kind of guy even though he's now popular.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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