Chapter Five - Well, let's impress this one hell of a teacher

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Chapter Five

“This assignment will be shared in a group of three, so partner up people…” Ms. Richards announces smiling at the class.

Immediately, people scramble around to choose their partners, and being a ‘good girlfriend’ I immediately go to cling on Matt leaving the bunch of people surrounding my desk asking to be partners.

“Hey baby… Partners?” I say intertwining our hands.

“Of course… We just need one more person…” He says out loud so people can hear.

People were whispering around causing me to roll eyes secretly.

So they want to partner up with me, but not with Matt huh. -.-

Then while we were looking around, Miranda suddenly approaches us.

“Hey, mind if I join you? My friends are already partnered up…” She says.

“Sure!” Matt responds too quickly and too energetically, but luckily no one thinks it’s weird.

Miranda smiles at me and I smile back.

Hmm, this is interesting, Miranda seems to be throwing herself at Matt since she knows we’re dating.

Miranda then starts talking to Matt causing me to raise an eyebrow slightly since she was laughing at everything he says excessively.

Then ms. Richards clears her throat.

“People, you have all partnered up I assume, so now take the sheets and work on the project!” She announces.

“Oh, one more thing, the team with the best project will get a special reward!” She grins aat the whole class before leaving a mischievous side-glance at me.

I had quite a hard time not to blush thinking about the word ‘reward’.

“Hey Cass?” Matt calls me.

“Yes baby?” I turn at him.

“You should go take the sheet. I think ms. Richards has something to talk to you… She’s been looking this way for quite some time…” He smirks at me before going back to chat with Miranda.

I shrug and leave the two of them to talk and walk over to take the sheet.

When I looked back at them, I notice Miranda staring intently at me and when our eyes meet, she smiles sweetly at me but not leaving my eyes.

I stare back at her weirdly before shaking my head and walks over to ms. Richards’ desk.

“Cassandra…” Ms. Richards greets smiling with a glint in her gorgeous eyes.

“Umm… Yes?” I reply nervously fidgeting slightly under her stare, looking anywhere but her.

“I see you’re in the same group as Matthew and Miranda…” Her smirk grows wider and this intrigues me.

“Yes… Is that… Is there a problem with us being in the same group?” I ask a little confused.

“Oh no no no… No problems for me… But are you sure you can handle them?” She takes a glance at both Matt and Miranda, who was both actually staring at me right now.

Matt with a silly smirk which causes me to roll my eyes and Miranda, a weird smile that I just can’t put my hand to it.

“What do you mean ms.?” I ask ms. Richards but she brushes me off and just hands me the work sheet.

I stare at her confused for a while as she moves around ther desk giving out more sheets to the other students.

Shrugging, I walk back to Matt and Miranda who are both still staring at me weirdly.

“So… What do we have to do?” Miranda instantly walks and stands beside me to peek at the worksheet.

“We’re going to have to make… Oh, there are two assignments… We are to choose a script out of Shakespeare and play it by us 3 and make a poem on the topic: Forbidden Love.” I dictate to them and as I lift my face to turn to Miranda, I realize she was so close.

I stare into her eyes in shock as she stares back at me with a look I can’t decipher, I feel like I can taste her minty breath on my lips.

“Hey…” She whispers not moving away.

Then Matt coughs.

“Hey babe… Where do you think we should work?” He smiles sickeningly sweet at me.

“Um… I don’t know…” I shrug jerking away from Miranda who now seems to be lost in thought.

All three of us stand in silence until ms. Richards comes over to us.

“Hey guys… How’s the assignment?” She smirks at me.

“U-umm… It’s Forbidden Love poem?” I tell her, my voice shamefully cracked a little showing her I’m nervous.

“Oh! Your group gets that?? This is going to be fun!” She squeals lightly.

“Hey! We should do it at your house Cassandra!” Miranda suddenly blurts out.

“Oookaayyy… Sure…” I look at her oddly.

Why would she suddenly decide to work at my house when she was silent before?

“Well, Ms. Richards, I believe we should leave and discuss our group project.” Miranda grabs my hand and says to Rebecca with a weird look on her face.

Looking a little bit shocked and offended, she just shakes her head and smiles at me.

“Well, good luck…” She backs away slowly eyeing me before smirking and turns around to walk back to her desk.

Well, let’s impress this one hell of a teacher.

[DISCONTINUED] What A Tease: How We First Met [girlxgirl] (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now