Chapter Eight - No Need To Play Hero, I Can Handle Them Myself

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Chapter Eight

Sorry for not updating for a long while guys... Have just been really busy... Dx
This is like really short and it's kind of just a filler chapter to get my writing mojo back on...
Anyway enjoy... I'll do my best to update soon

I frown as I found the poem online, the one Miranda told me.

I read some of her poems and it was pretty good.

I find the poem Mir wrote that day for our project.

When I checked the date it was posted, it was the day before it.

I groan flopping onto my bed unable to shake the feeling that there was more to that poem.

Mir had a blank expression before that I couldn’t really decipher if she was lying or not.

I groan again rolling around on my bed.

After thinking for a while, I decided to just let it go.

I grab my phone hearing the soft ringtone.

“Hello?” I yawn as I answer the call.

“Cass how much longer do we have to keep pretending?” I hear Matt’s whiny voice from the other side.

I immediately know he’s pouting.

“Oh come on Matty… You got to drive her home didn’t you…”

“But… I’m tired of having to act lovey dovey with you…” Matt whines again.

“Excuse me? Man, not cool… I’m trying to help you here…” I frown at the phone.

“Yeah yeah… I just want to get it over quickly…” He groans.

“Like I don’t…” I growl lightly.

“Ohh of course you do… So you can woo that hot ms. Rebecca” Matt teases me.

I blush remembering what happened that morning.

“No!!” I half-yell at him.

“Jeez… You don’t have to yell…” I could tell he is glaring at the phone right now.

“Anyway…” I try to divert him from that conversation.

“What do you see from Mir anyway?” I ask shocking myself.


“Matt stop blushing and being giddy like a school girl” I roll my eyes knowing that’s exactly what he’s doing.

“I’m not!!” He frowns through the phone.

“I guess it’s her coolness? The way she can handle herself in the crowd, and she never takes shit from other people you know… She’s just amazing…” He sighs dreamily into the phone.

“Humm….” I think back to the first time I met Miranda, she was being mocked by some other girls and I thought ‘another girl who needs a hero’.

I was about to go help her when she turned around to her mocker, flip her finger to them before smirking and walking away.

No girl I knew has ever been able to do that.

Not when the people who are mocking them are seniors anyway.

She walked over and saw me, looked me over and smirked.

“No need to play hero, I can handle them myself” She told me before walking away.

I stared at her retreating back in awe for a bit before Matt squealed beside me.

Right, I almost forgot I was with Matt.

“Earth to Cass” Matt’s voice rings over the phone.

“Yeah?” I jolt back to present time.

“What do you see in ms Rebecca?” I could hear the smirk in Matt’s voice.

“Oh shut up Matt…” I roll my eyes again.

“Anyway… Make it quick okay… I don’t want her to think we really are together and won’t date me because of that…” Matt goes back to his whiny voice causing me to roll my eyes again.

“Yeah yeah Matty…” I hang up on him staring up at my ceiling smirking a little knowing he must be grumbling at me hanging up on him.

Humming lightly I realize that Mir does have the qualities Matt said.

I smile lightly at my ceiling determined to help out Matty to get Mir sooner.


“Hey Mir!” I call out to her as I walk briskly to her side.

She turns to me acknowledging my presence without saying anything.

“I looked it up… That poet you told me about…” I grin at her.

She turns to look at me looking confused.

“Mariand?” I remind her.

She looks confused for a while longer before it downs on her.

“Oh… Oh right… Mariand…” She shakes her head lightly.

“Yeah… Her poems are pretty good huh…” I grin at her again.

“I guess…” She shrugs and keeps walking towards her class.

I frown letting her walk away knowing if I don’t hurry I won’t make it to first period without being late.

[DISCONTINUED] What A Tease: How We First Met [girlxgirl] (TeacherxStudent)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin