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“Remind me why I have to do this again??” I shake my head as I walk hand in hand with my best friend Matthew Carson.

“Aww… But it was your ideaa…” He whines pouting at me.

Sighing once again, I squeeze his hand and look forward towards the entrance of our prestigious high school.

Wyvern High School.

I know… I know… The name’s ridiculous.

But hey! It matches with our basketball club ‘Wyvern Knight’.

Well, it is named in accordance to the school’s name actually. So that’s not a valid argument.

“Hey! Cass!” Matt snaps his fingers in front of my face.

“Ugh… Fine!” I sigh pulling him towards the school entrance.

“Thanks! You’re definitely the bestest friend ever!” He grins hugging me.

GIRLFRIEND now.” I emphasize to him.

He frowns but nods vigorously.

I sigh looking at him.

Matthew Carson, my best friend. He’s not bad looking at all. Too bad the girl’s are too blind to see it.

He has short dirty blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes. He’s pretty tall- about 6’2’’. He’d be perfect for basketball, and he’s smart too! A straight A student just like me. Only, he hid all those beauty of his behind a shy mask and a glasses that totally ruined his gorgeous blue eyes.

Had I not been a lesbian, I would have dated him.

Well, I am dating him now. Fakely though.

It’s to help him be more popular.

I am popular after all.

With my long blonde hair, green eyes, great personality. I’m flattering myself, I know.

But it’s the truth you know.

Girls and boys throw themselves all over me. Too bad I only want the girls.

Yeah you might think I’m so cocky, but it’s the fucking truth!

So being the best friend I am, I decide to finally settle from my player status to (Fakely) date Matt to make people see his gorgeousness.


Well, you see… My best friend fell in love.

With the most gorgeous girl in our English class.

Well, I liked her too, but it was purely lust. I don’t really have any particular romantic feeling towards her.

That’s why I’m helping him. Because I am not in love. Nor have I ever fell in love before.

The deal was for me to pretend to be his girlfriend while helping him build up his popularity until the girl, Miranda Arlene, falls for him as well. Or until I find someone who can make me fall in love.

“Take off your glasses.” I order him.

He whines a little, then he takes it off frowning.

“Good. Don’t forget to smile and act all lovey-dovey with me.”

“Yes maam!” He salutes at me.

“Silly boy! But you can’t let anyone know about this okay! Not even your parents or sister.” I say sternly to him.

He nods solemnly and grins at me.

“Let’s go.” I push the double door that is the school’s entrance as I walk in with Matt, holding hands.

As we both step in, Reddish brown hair strewn in front of me as I fall back onto the ground.

And then I saw the most beautiful pair of brown eyes staring back into my green ones.

Then the world went black.

[DISCONTINUED] What A Tease: How We First Met [girlxgirl] (TeacherxStudent)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin