Chapter Three - Operation Fake Dating Starts

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Chapter Three

AN: People!! I feel that an apology is in order... Sorry I haven't been posting... I just finished my finals sometime ago, and then I was mourning for my family... But I'm back now and I hope I'll update more and sooner... :D  thanks for keep waiting and reading you all! Thanks for my new followers and old ones that stick with my slow update as well... XD  So, here goes...Dedicated to you my gorgeous Seyfreak... <3

“Cass!” Alice Squeals as I walk into her house.

“Hey kiddo!” I grin at her and lean to pinch her cheeks.

She swats my hand away as she pouts at me crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“I am not a kid!” She yells at me pouting.

“Yeah yeah kiddo… Where’s your brother?” I keep grinning and pinching her cheeks causing her to groan and run away from me.

“Hey, stop bothering my little sister you meanie…” Matt shows up descending down the stairs in a black singlet and blue jeans ruffling his wet hair.

“Hey boyfriend…” I emphasize on the word boyfriend to remind him as he seems to have forgotten that I want his families not to know that we’re just pretending.

“Boyfriend?” Alice squeaks out as she peeks at me from behind the sofa in the living room.

“Yes little sis… Maybe she’s gonna be your sister-in-law sometime in the future cause we love each other oh-so-much…” Matt smirks at me as he ruffles Alice’s hair.

I roll my eyes knowing exactly what and why he’s doing that.

He keeps saying that her little sister has a crush on me. I mean she’s like, I don’t know 9 or something? Even if she does, it’s just a little girl’s crush and nothing would come out of it.

I walk forward and pinch her cheeks again before taking one of Matt’s arms in mine.

“Come on Matty, let’s finish what we started in your car…” I smirk as I wink at Alice who instantly blushes.

“Hey! Don’t ruin my little sister’s mind!” He frowns at me.

Alice makes a ‘yuck’ sound and pretends she’s about to vomit before running into the kitchen.

I chuckle a little as I tug on Matt’s arm.

“Seriously, we need to finish what we started in the car.” I say to him.

He looks at me oddly and confused.

“What did we start again?” He scratches his head in confusion.

I groan and pull him upstairs to his room.

“Ouch… Don’t be so rough girlie…” He frowns at me as I push him into his room.

I glare at him crossing my eyes in front of my chest.

“Strip.” I order him.

“Wait what?” He looks at me in disbelief.

I groan again realizing how slow he is and that I will need to get through him step-by-step.

“The party? Remember? Impressing Miranda? Your girl? The girl of your dreams?” I roll my eyes seeing him blush.

“Okayy…” He says pulling the singlet over his head and walks toward his closet.

“Ugh, those girls are sooo blind…” I whisper under my breath as I look at his hot muscular body.

I would totally do that if I were straight.

“Operation Fake dating starts…” I sigh as I follow him into the closet.

In the end I chose a Black T-shirt and a black leather jacket for him to wear with a pair of dark grey jeans. I can’t believe he has all of this hot clothes yet never wear them!

I look him over and mess his hair up and nod in approval.

He frowns at me.

“I don’t like this… Can’t I just wear a normal button-up shirt?” He whines.

I roll my eyes and drag him out by his ear.

“Ow, ow, ow… Cass!” He whines again as we arrived in the living room.

His mother comes in from the kitchen and gasp.

“My baby looks so cool today!” She grins at me.

“I don’t look cool other days?” He frowns at his mom.

She rolls her eyes and grins at me.

“Cassie darling, I heard you two are dating now?” She smiles knowingly and for a second, I thought she knew we were only pretending.

I nod at her smiling.

“Okay… Go on then, wouldn’t want me to keep you here…” She smiles as she ushers us out of the house.

We get into Matt’s car and he drives towards the party.

When we get there, music was blasting loudly and people were already grinding against each other all sweaty and yuck. They wouldn’t even remember who they danced with or kissed the next day.

I pull Matt towards the kitchen, my eyes sweeping the room to see if people noticed us, sadly no one did.

Walking in the kitchen, I realize Miranda was there so I whisper to Matt, “Act cool loverboy… Let me do the talking… Just smile, nod, and be cool…”

I roll my eyes feeling his palm getting sweaty in mine.

“Hey Miranda… “ I greet her cheerfully.

She looks surprised to see me greeting her.

“Oh, uh… Hi, Cassandra…” Her attention averted towards Matt who’s only smiling beside me.

“Um… Hi?” She says unsure.

“You know Matty right Mir? Matthew Carson, He’s in our…” I started but Miranda cuts me off.

“English class… Yeah, I remember… The only class we have together…” She says smiling at me, then turning his attention back to Matt.

“Hi Matt…” She greets him.

Matt, acting all cool only smiles and nods at her just like what I instructed him to do.

“Matt, will you be a darling and get me some drinks… “ I play lovey-dovey with him trying to get Mir to be jealous or to at least see his gentlemanness.

“Sure.” He replies still coolly and I had to hold back my laughter since he looks so weird all cool like that.

“So, the rumours right?” Miranda asks.

“Huh?” I act dumb to her, wanting to see her reaction.

“That you and Carson is dating… It’s true?” She asks me.

The look on her face was an expectant one, hopeful.

“Yes it’s true…” I smilie at her wanting to see her reaction.

She frowns in disappointment but quickly change it to a bright smile congratulating me.

But I saw the frown and I’m thinking that it’s a good step.

[DISCONTINUED] What A Tease: How We First Met [girlxgirl] (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now