Chapter Sixteen - Finish What you Started

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Uhm hello.... Sorry for not updating for so long... Please don't throw stuff at me haha *laughs nervously* so sorry I've been having too many problems to think about updating... And also the whole writer's block thingy... But anyway! I'm updating today... Hopefully I can update more regularly now that I have a new laptop... I'm updating from my phone now though lol... So here goes :)

Chapter Sixteen

"Uh... Nice weather today...." I try to start a conversation but Rebecca just shot a 'really?' kind of look at me.

I immediately look down and stare hard onto my desk.

I don't even know why I'm here!!

"Cassandra..." Rebecca sighs.

"Do you know why I'm making you stay today?" She asks gently.

I just shake my head at her question.

She frowns.

"Then why are you not looking at me?"

I shrug lightly.

Suddenly she touched my chin with a finger and lift my face to look at her.

"That's better" she smiles lightly at me, but I could see that there's something strange with her smile, like she's unsure of something.

I'm so scared that she actually knows I kissed her that night. And that now my nightmare from before is actually going to happen.

She walks back to her desk and lean slightly on it.

"So it's about your comment today..." She says slowly.

I frown nodding slightly.

"Well you know you can talk to me about anything right?" She asks again.

I frown and finally look at her confused. "Huh?"

"You know... If you're like... Having problems... With stuff... You can talk to me..." She looks away sounding unsure.

"I don't understand?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Ugh... If you're having problem with your love life you can talk to me if you want!!" She yells a little.

I stare at her in shock.


"Well you were saying stuff about forbidden relationship and stuff so like I thought you're having relationship problems?" She frowns back at me.

I ponder a little thinking that I actually do have relationship problems but should I really talk about it with her?

"Like you know... You Miranda and Matthew..." She says.

I stand up from my seat.

"How did you...?" I frown.

"Uhm... It was quite obvious to me..." She frowns a little.

"Obvious how?"

"Well you were dating Matt to make him look cooler so that Miranda would fall for him, correct?" She crosses her arms.

I gulp nervously. "Uh... Yes?"

"I thought so... But then you weren't thinking of Miranda's feelings whom apparently like someone else...?"

I nod to her in awe. She's good at analyzing the situation.

"But then Miranda is too shy to tell the person she likes about her feelings..."

"Nope!! Booyahh... You're wrong on that!! She asked me o..u..t yesterday...... Uhh...." I was too glad that she didn't get everything right that when I realized it I told her mir asked me out yesterday.

She frowns before walking back to her seat.

"Well good for you. Good luck on dealing with your best friend and your new girlfriend then." She says all coldly not even looking at me.

I groan internally at myself for being so stupid. How could I tell the girl I like that another girl asked me out that way?! That's like a stupid move.

"B- but you said I can talk to you about it?" I took a chance and try to talk her into helping me out.

She glares at me making me rub the back of my neck nervously.

Noticing the gesture, her eyes softens a little.

"Well what do you want me to say... Follow your heart? If you like her then tell your best friend. If he's really your friend he will let her go for you and then all three of you may live happily ever after." She shrugs leaning back on the chair.

"Uhh no? Huge problem ms. Black, I like y-.... Someone else..." I curse myself under my breath for almost telling her I like her.

She raises an eyebrow at me. " 'Y-... Someone else'? Hmmm...." She stares at me trying to pressure me into saying who I like but obviously I can't say it.

"So what do you think I should do? Not to mention this someone else is kind of the reason of my outburst in class today..." I told her trying to hint it at her.

She frowns again.

"Well maybe you can tell me who this someone else is so I can give you better advise..." She asks.

I shook my head vigorously.

"No way! You can't know!" I frown.

She suddenly stands up and glares at me.

"Why not?!"


"Whoa slow down.... Why do you care so much anyway..." I glare back at her. How could this woman pressure me to tell her who I like? Gee...

"Because I'm your teacher Cassandra!"

"Yes!! And that's exactly the point!" I yell back at her outburst.

Realizing what I said I immediately closed my mouth.

"What do you mean?" She asks me looking confused, but something else too... Hopeful?

Why would she look hopeful?

"I mean that I can't tell you who I like because you're my teacher!" I glare at her.

"So what if I'm your teacher?! Tell me!" She half yells at me.

I feel angry at her.

Why is she so annoying asking all these questions? Can't she see she's the one I like? Seriously! Why does she have to care so much about me?! If only she didn't I might not even get to care this much for her in the first place!!

Why is she the one being angry too right now?! Like I'm the one at fault? Why the fuck does she have to look so hot doing it too?!

She's the one at fault for being so nice driving me home and then coming in and seducing me to kiss her with her cute sleeping face and her soft pink lips that... Shit I want to kiss her again...

Ugh see?! She's distracting me even when she's just standing there doing nothing!!

Whatever I'm telling her!

"Because you're my teacher then I can't tell you that I li-......."

The bell rung and people immediately starts rushing into the class taking seats.

I frown at her as she smiles and says good afternoon to the entering kids.

I grab my bag and start to walk away when she pulls my arm as I was just out of the door.

"This isn't over yet. You're telling me everything about this someone else!" She growls in my ear before letting me go.

I turned around to have the door closed in my face.

I stomp at the ground angrily and notice the paper in my hand.

She must've slipped it when she whispered to me.

I open the piece of paper and blush.

Rebecca just gave me her phone number with a sentence underneath it.

'You're going to have to finish what you started!'

[DISCONTINUED] What A Tease: How We First Met [girlxgirl] (TeacherxStudent)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora