My Realization

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Vincent's POV

"Hey, let's go before it gets dark." We walked over to him, the question he had asked me earlier still pondering in my mind. I've never...well never thought that I would have to even worry about something like this. Funny how shit works. I love her? What does it even feel like? How do I know if I'm doing it right...? do I tell her? All these questions were clouding my brain as we packed up our stuff back into my car, and got in. We would have stayed longer...but Anna could tell that I was starting to feel uncomfortable..and I guess she just wanted to go home too. The whole ride back was quiet....Mike had his eyes glued to his phone the whole time, texting somebody. And Anna had fallen asleep....I could see her in the mirror, lying down on the back seat. There was just something about the beach that made you tired.
I don't know what I'm doing...I'm trying to be a better person...I'm trying to not let my bad side rule my life anymore....although he's been quiet for a while now...I feel kind of weird without hearing a neck snap, or a scream...and I'll admit, it bothers me a little...but I won't let that get in my way. I promised myself I wouldn't hurt her...and I'm never going to let it happen. I don't know what made me snap the other night...some things just spark me in the wrong way. I'm dangerous...and everybody knows it.
I kept my eyes on the road...driving in silence. After a while, I was the only one awake...the soft snores coming from Mike was all I had to listen too....and fuck...just glancing in that mirror made me want to crawl back there with her....curl my arms around her...and never...EVER let her go...
God dammit my heart's pounding...
How much further?! My body is on fire....what the hell? Why do I have the sudden urge to be close to her..? why do I crave her sent...and the way her skin feels against mine...?! My hands just want to graze her body just wants to be pressed up against lips want to be collided with hers....
I pushed the gas pedal down further...speeding my way home..I just wanted to touch her....shit...I NEED to touch her...!
Finally, I turned the curve that was just before my house...gripping my hands so tightly on the steering wheel. I jerked it in park, making the car halt with a jolt, causing Mike to spring awake, as I hurriedly opened the door, got out of my seat and pulled it back, reaching in and taking that beautiful sleeping girl into my arms.
"Ehh..? Vin..? Are we here?" Mike asked, his voice low.
I ignored him, and pulled Anna from the car, kicking the door closed with my foot, then walking to the front door of my house, unlocking it, and rushing in...all in a matter of seconds.
"I guess that answers my question.." I heard Mike grumble, getting out of the car.
I didn't care at this point..his ass could sleep on the couch. I carried Anna into my bedroom, and laid her down on the bed. She shifted slightly, cuddling up to my large, fluffy pillow.
I started to shuffle through my drawers...pulling out random clothes in a hurry...Wanting to get in and out of the shower as fast as possible so that I could finally wrap my arms around her...
Just as I was about to head into the bathroom, my hand on the doorknob, I heard a small, soft whisper...and I turned around to see Anna, sitting up on the pillow, rubbing her eyes.
"V-Vincent...?" she almost whimpered...
Her ponytail was falling out, her tank top slicing white lines into her slightly sunburnt shoulders...the sleepy look on her face...I couldn't help but run to her.
"Hey sleeping beauty.." I said, now standing beside her.
"W-Were you going to take a shower..?" She looked up at me, her eyes filled with something I couldn't quite understand...
"Yes...I'll just be a minute...but I won't if you don't want me too.." I said, suddenly becoming nervous.
She shook her head, gently grazing her hand over my arm, latching onto it as if she was holding on for dear life..
"I-I...I want to come with you.."
"Y-You.....y-you do?" If at all possible...I felt my heart start to pound throbbing in my chest. Why am I starting to sweat? why am I shaking? I'm lightheaded....I feel like I'm walking on air...
"Yes.." She said softly, getting up and standing by my side, clutching onto my arm, as she leaned into me.
Before I was just teasing her....just seeing if being a little perverted would get her to come in the shower with me...but now...she actually wants too?
"U-Uhm...okay..s-sure.." I frustratedly rolled my eyes for stuttering, pulling her along, trying not to trip over my nervous eagerness, as I closed the bathroom door behind us.
I want to know what's going through her mind....I'm so confused...she's suddenly being fearless...and here I am about to pass out as I watched her start to lift her tank top over her head, revealing that bikini again.
I decided to distract myself by leaning over and starting the water, making sure it was warm enough. As I was about to lean up...I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist.
"H-Hnnm..?" I quivered, looking down, watching those hands move down to the hem of my shirt, and raise it up, and I raised my arms as well, letting out a soft grunt as it fell to the floor. All too quickly, those hands were back, now undoing the knot on my swim shorts. I could feel her naked body pressed against my back as she pulled them down...exposing myself....
"A-Anna..." I mumbled, as she nudged me forward, and I obeyed, climbing into the tub, the water crashing over my shoulders as I moved in, stiff as a board...unable to keep my head on straight. I stayed facing towards the hands clenched into fists, trying everything underneath the sun to calm down.
"Vincent..." Her voice..smooth like startled me.."Turn around.." She said.
Oh fuck.....I stepped...Oh fuck....I quivered...biting my lip, finally turning, and laying my eyes on her.

Purpleguy/Vincent x Reader  *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now