Girl with Guts

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Vincent's POV

"V-Vincent? A-Anna..?" A small voice came from the doorway.

"What do you want Jeremy?" I snapped, annoyed he was interrupting.

"PG told me to inform you that M-Mike is here..I-I'm going home..t-too sleep..." He said, leaving the room quickly.

"Mike?" Anna looked up at me..

"Oh great.." I said, leaning up from the wall and exiting the room, Anna trailing behind me.

He was standing by the door, waiting for me I guess. His face was enraged when he saw me approach. But I just smiled..

"Look, you purple fuck." He said, pointing a finger at me. "PG said to not start shit with you..or I'll lose my job." His tone sounded angry, but a tad hesitant as he rubbed the dark marks on his throat where my fingers had been. "Lucky for you I need to keep this job..but don't you EVER come near me..I swear I will shove that precious security badge up your tight purple ass hole!"

My eyes narrowed..the nerve of this prick..I wish Anna wasn't here so I could gouge his eyes out and shove them down his throat...

She must have been able to tell..because she stepped forward and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Come on Anna.." He said, turning toward the office.

"What do you need with her!?" I barked, becoming protective.

"PG told me to teach her the duties of the night shift, while his precious 'head guard' can watch the kids." He snapped.

"The night shift..?" She said softly, stepping toward Mike.

"Absolutely not!" I yelled, pulling her back. "She cannot, and will not, work the night shift! Get that fat kid to do it!"

"What's the big deal?!" Mike said, pulling Anna back toward him. "And he can't do it, he quit last night!"

"Quit..?" Anna whispered, after being pulled back and forth again between Mike and I.

"Jeremy and I can't do it forever! We Need a break somewhere man!"

"She can't do it alone! It's Wednesday!"

"Yeah fuck face, she'll be doing it with me tonight." Mike's stupid smile crept across his face as he took Anna's hand and jerked her toward the office.

"For fucking crying out loud! You stupid son of a bitch.!! When I get my hands on that little punk!-"

"VINCENT!" PG yelled from his office, which is next to the lounge, but across the way.

"Fucking wonderful.." I groaned, marching in, fists clenched tightly at my sides.

"Close the door.." He said as I stepped in.

I slammed it shut, turning my head to glare at him.

"Are you crazy?!" I yelled.

"Look," He said, raising his voice. "It's only until we get another guard. I want to see if she can handle it."

"Handle it?! So you put her with Mike?! Why can't I teach her?!" I said, advancing toward his desk.

"Vincent, you and I both know why you can't do the night shift anymore! And Jeremy can barely do it himself." He adjusted the sunglasses on his face. "Mike is good at keeping himself alive, you need to stay on the day shift, I'm sure she'll be fine. Oh, and watch your fucking language!" He slammed his fist onto the table.

"If I come into work..and that girl is dead..I'll cut your heart out.." I boomed through clenched teeth, before turning and bursting out of the room, and through the front doors. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to get away from here..

Purpleguy/Vincent x Reader  *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now