A different side of you

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Vincent looked over at me..sympathetically...

But as soon as he saw me..the emotion shattered from his face, and it immediately turned to rage.

"Which one of you low life fucks put your hands on my girl?!" He yelled, snapping his head to glare at the men in the room, his voice overpowering.

Jake, Anthony, and Fritz backed away..falling silent, terrified as they backed into the corner of the room..leaving Mike standing alone..trembling..with his head down..

"MIKE?!" Vincent exploded, stepping into the room, and grabbing Mike by the collar of his shirt.

"V-Vincent..I'm sorry! It was an accident..!"

"This doesn't look like an accident!" Vincent screeched, thrusting him about, much like their fight a few weeks ago in the pizzeria. "I trusted you with one thing Mike...ONE THING!"

"I-I know..! I-I'm sorry! I'd never hurt her on purpose..!"

"Don't you think she's been through enough...?" Vincent's voice turned to a low growl...his eyes rolling over..turning to that all familiar black...

...and I wasn't planning on stopping him this time...

Mike had no time to answer before he was flung to the ground, then pinned down as Vincent climbed atop him and started eradicating his face with direct blows..all that was heard was the cracking sound against Mike's face, the painful grunting coming from his mouth, and Vincent's villainous yelling.










As hard as it was to watch..I couldn't stop myself from looking on and feeling..almost...pleasurable..as I watch Vincent destroy his being.

Vincent threw one last blow, sending blood splattering through the air, as Mike's head flew back, slamming against the floor. He didn't even try to fight back...and Vincent laughed as he stood up..and smiled widely when Mike didn't get up after him..

"Any of the rest of you pricks want to share his fate?!" He yelled, looking over at the group of cowering men.

They just stood there..huddled around each other..

....they were fortunate that they stayed quiet..

"Good.." Vincent turned back around to me, his expression becoming softer. I was staring down at Mike..now a bloody pile of unconsciousness.

"Anna..." He walked over to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me close, to observe my face.."Are you alright?" He brought his hand up to my cheek, and wiped some of the blood away, bring back my attention.

"O-Ow.." I cringed..losing any previous emotions..and just wanting to break down and cry..

"I'm so sorry.." He whispered, as his deep, black eyes were blinked away..and his breathtaking purple ones stared back at me.

"Let's get out of here.." He said, and he swooped me off of my feet, drawing me up into his arms, carrying me out the door, and down the stairs.

"Vincent.." I sobbed into his shoulder..finally feeling relief with him here."..just take me home..I-I just want to forget about everything.."

Purpleguy/Vincent x Reader  *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now