Now I'm curious..

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~The Next Day~

I strode into work with mixed emotions. I was half excited to see Vincent...then the other half was absolutely terrified. He was so angry last night...and the thing with his eyes. I just hope Mike is alright. I pushed open the double doors, and just as I had hoped/dreaded, there he was.

 Setting up party hats onto the dining tables. Freddy and his friends were already chiming their familiar song, and the place seemed just about ready for customers to start pouring in. I watched him while he worked...placing each and every hat. He stopped to take the time and make sure they were all equally apart, and were facing the same way. I could hear a distant mumble coming from his throat, he was humming along to the chime softly.

 I smiled to myself as I let my eyes wander over his masculine figure. His hair was tied back, and his purple ponytail swished with each of his movements. He slouched slightly, and the purple cap on his head tilted over his eyes. I felt my body tighten and I began to feel hot as I scanned over his chest. The top button on his shirt was open, and I swallowed hard, glancing at the curve of his collar bone. Not to mention that I was glad the uniform was purple..because that color was so sexy on him. No doubt I was attracted to Vincent...even though I had only met him yesterday..but I feel like I've known him much longer..and I just wanted him to touch me again.


"Hm?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Vincent's voice. He finally noticed I was here.

He walked over to me slowly, that intimidating grin on his face again. I stiffened as he approached and gazed up at him as he stood before me.

"You know...It's not polite to stare." He chuckled.

"I.. uhm.." I stammered. He knew I was watching him?!!

"I wasn't staring! I was watching you work..for my own learning purposes!" I said, trying to cover myself.

"Really? Okay..then why are you blushing~?" He teased.

"I-I'm not.." There he goes again...drawing me in...

"Liar." He smirked. " Bet I can make it worse.." He whispered as he stepped toward me and grabbed my wrist.

"W-What are you-..."

I stopped mid sentence as he pulled my hand up to his chest and placed it on the base of his neck. His skin was warm..and I could feel the pounding of his heart against my palm.

"This was what you were staring at right?" Vincent clasped his hand over mine and forced me to rub his collarbone softly. My heart was racing, and I'm pretty sure I was blushing even more so now. How did he know?!


"What? You wanted to touch it right?" He chuckled again, tightening his grip around my wrist as I fell victim.. and began to rub it myself. But, soon after, his hand dropped, and he let me explore on my own. I was so fascinated..I rubbed along his collarbone and the length of his neck. I traced the lines in his skin and swept over the scruff on his chin with my thumb. He seemed to be a little uncomfortable, but he hasn't stopped me. I continued and brushed my hand across his cheek, cupping his face softly, and smiled as he flinched slightly. My eyes moved to his lips....

I swallowed hard and moved my hand down.. brushing my thumb over his bottom lip, then down his chin. His lips parted and he softly soaked in a breath. Sending chills down my spine.

Why was he letting me do this? Maybe he just wanted me to touch him again too...

"Anna..." He whispered, breaking the silence.

"Hm?" I said again, dropping my hand from his face, to look him in the eyes.

He seemed embarrassed. An emotion I didn't think Vincent would possess.

Purpleguy/Vincent x Reader  *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now