Found You

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Mike's POV

Okay..dammit..I'm jealous. I wish I had a girl like her...I mean, what the hell?! Vincent is a psycho, and he still gets a girl?!...Ehh whatever..I might as well accept it...I see her more as a little sister, partner in crime, a best friend...and I'm glad that she's happy...surprisingly, I'm happy to see Vincent like this..And much as I hate to admit, I like him. He's fun to be around..he enjoys the same sick humor as I do..and now that he's been around Anna, I like the person he's become. I guess I was wrong about him...even though we've had some serious bad moments...Anna brings us together. Because we love her.
Well, I know I's not the same kinda love...but...wait, does he even feel love?!
"Mike!" Anna yelled, snapping me from my thoughts. "Vincent stop!" She giggled, splashing him. "Mike help me! He's trying to dunk me!"
"Oh, I can help with that.." I smirked, swimming over to them.
"Vincent, grab her arms.." I said, diving underneath, grabbing onto her ankles.
"Hey! Mike you dick! You're supposed to be helping me!"
"Oh come know you like it.." Vincent grabbed onto her arms, to stop her from struggling.
I rose from the water, wrapping her legs around my neck, lifting her onto my shoulders.
"You assholes!!" She fidgeted, kicking her legs. "Let me go!"
"Do it Mike!" Vincent yelled.
I chuckled, lifting her ankles and tossing her into the water with a splash.
"Awe ..look who's all wet!" I laughed, as she sprung from the water, wiping her eyes, moving the hair from her face.
" guys are suck dicks.." She grumbled, swimming back towards the sand.
"Hey, where ya going?"
"To lay in the sun! Away from you guys!"
"Oh come on...we were just playing!"
"Well I'm NOT playing..I came here to relax, not to be tossed around!"
"Come join me when you get that through your head!" She scoffed, walking onto the sand, back to our towels, Vincent and I staring in her direction.
"Well.." He said, rubbing the scruff on his chin. "Wonder what's got her so worked up.."
"Hey Vincent..." I said, looking down at my hands under the surface of the water.
"Hm?" He said, turning to me.
"Can I ask you something..?"
"Uhm..sure..I guess."
I didn't care at this point..Anna is important to me..I can be myself around her...she's so special. Vincent is lucky to have'm just going to ask.
"Do you love her..?"
Vincent stared at me...his eyes locked on mine. Ah shit...He still has the sinister look...
"I really don't think that's any of your business.." Vincent said, quickly turning away, a frustrated look on his face. "But you're not the first person to ask me that.."
"Well damn then Vin..just tell her!" I could just tell by the way he was standing...slouched, looking down like that. A bit of a smile of his face, trailing his fingers over the surface of the water...Aww how cute..the sweet killer is in love..
"Oh for fuck sake..don't tell me that guy I met a couple months ago who wasn't afraid to speak his" I chuckled.
Vincent growled..
"I'm not scared you fuck!" He huffed.."I'm just..." Vincent sighed softly..lowering his gaze as he started to walk back to the beach.
"Oh come on Vinny! Just what??" I laughed, following after him.
We walked onto the warm sand, the salty water dripping off our skin and swimsuits....
Vincent pulled his hair back into a ponytail...and I grabbed my hat from the bag as soon as we came upon our stuff..and slammed it on my head.
Anna was lying on her towel...sunglasses covering her eyes, headphones in her ears.
I watched as vincent smiled, and laid himself down on top of her, getting her all wet again.
"Hey! Get off me you jerk! I just got dried off!" She squealed, trying to push him off.
"Oh come on..I know you like it.." He teased.
"Oh god cut my eyes out...!" I yelled, turning away, and walking off down the coastline.
As much as I love to see them still hurts a little bit..
I walked down the sand..kicking seashells out of the dirt..sloshing mud around with my feet..when suddenly..
"Huh?" I looked up, only to be smacked in the face by a volleyball.
"Gahh!!" I fell backwards, rubbing my nose.."owww.." Will my face ever get a break?!
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
"Yeah" I looked up, my vision a little blurry, but that didn't stop me from blushing like crazy.
"U-Uhhh..." I shook my head...trying to make sure that beautiful girl in a red bikini standing over me, holding out her hand...was real..
I took it, and with surprising strength, she pulled me too my feet.
"Your face okay?" She joked, placing her hands on her hips, "I'm Doll by the way, sorry for knocking ya down."
" problem, I'm used to getting hit in the face.." I rubbed the back of my head, "I-I'm Mike.."
I looked at her..she was a little shorter than me..her long wavy blonde hair laying on her shoulders..she stood with confidence..that red bikini standing out against her tan skin. I looked to her face...her perfect small lips..her glowing blue eyes...with just a touch of she adjusted the black rimmed glasses sitting on her nose.
"Let me make it up to you Mike, I'll let you join the winning team!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me over to a group of people, all standing around a volleyball net.
"Every one, this is Mike, the cute guy that I hit in the face." She giggled.
I waved awkwardly to the people around me, as they waved back.
S-She's just as loud and enthusiastic as I am...Fuck..why is my heart racing?!
"Service!" She yelled, jumping into the air, spiking the ball, sending it into the dirt.
She' my God....what's wrong with me?!
I think I've just been hit by an angel...
"Ugh Doll, we can't win against you!"
"Not with that attitude you won't."
"Let's take a break...we've been playing since we got here!"
"Fine..." Doll said, turning to look at me. "I guess we'll have to find something else to do Mikey."
M-...M-Mikey? No one has called me that....not since....but, I like the way it sounds...coming from her...
"Come on!" She laughed, flashing her beautiful white smile..taking my arm and leading me down the beach.
Doll....she truly is. Now usually I'm not the shy one..but..I can't find words...I'm acting all stupid! This is a different feeling from how I act around Anna...
"Why you got that hat on your head? It's hot as hell out here." Doll asked, walking beside me as we ventured down the beach.
"Uhh...funny you should's kind of a long story...I tend to get hit in the facial region....a lot.."
"Again I'm sorry about that...but you're right, you've got scars and bruises for days. You must be a pretty tough guy." She smirked.
"Nah..I'm just a regular guy who does a lot of stupid shit.."
"Hmm..well I'm me."
"Interested in what?"
"You silly." Doll once again adjusted the glasses on her face, smiling up at me. "Tell me a little about you...because I believe that people come into my life for a reason..and if you're here to stay, I gotta know."
S-Stay..? Oh come on Mike! Where is that strong confident smirk? That pervy outgoingness? Why can't I concentrate...
"O-Okay..well.." Fuck it. Fuck it..! Stop being a child! I grabbed her hand, and pulled her into my chest, smirking down at the blush on her face.
"The name's Mike Schmidt..I'm a night guard over at Freddy Fazfucks...I'm twenty one..I'm usually a teasing asshole who uses anger to get what I want...I love joking around...I'm never too serious...but I have a darker side...annnnddd...I have half a brain." I smiled, releasing her, then continued walking.
"W-What?!" She asked, jogging to catch up with me.
"Yeah yeah..I know. You'll hear more about it..if you chose to keep me around."
"Heh.." Doll giggled. "I like you Mike...I think I will.." She stepped over and dug her hand in my pocket, pulling out my phone, which I had grabbed before leaving, and typing something in.
"Here.." She said, "Lemme know when you wanna learn a little about me.." She tucked the phone back in my pocket, then turned, and walked back to her friends.
"Uhhh..." I stood there, watching her leave. Until I noticed two familiar faces approaching me.
"Mike! Where have you been?" Anna's voice.
"Why does he look like he's about to shit himself..?" Vincent...
But all I can think about....Is Doll...

Everyone needs someone...update soon!~

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