New You...New Me

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Avianna's POV

"This is very good news...our patient Michael Schmidt, simply refuses to speak, eat, take his medications or see anyone...anyone but you."

"W-what..?" I asked..what is going on with Mike?

"His friends were here earlier...but he wouldn't even talk to them..he has been completely stoic all day..he won't even tell us what caused his anxiety attack...and we know what happened to Michael when he was just a boy..the anger and usual impenetrable attitude is normal..but this....this is different.."

She lead me to a room, and anxiously pushed me to the door.

"I hope you don't mind..but the team of doctors is going to want to monitor his behavior around you..we won't intervene..but try not to mention the video camera.."

"Right.." I said..watching her as she walked away.

I turned my attention back to the door..and opened it slowly...the door beginning to squeak on it's hinges..

The room was dark...

"Mike..?" I asked softly..

"Hey..there's the one I've been waiting for.." A dark voice came from the back of the room..

I moved in closer..the dim moonlight from the window showing just a portion of Mike's face..

He was sitting up in bed..his arms crossed over his chest..a blank expression on his face.

"Mike? What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine...just had a little visit from good ol' Foxy the pirate.." He grumbled.. "The bastard.."

"You seem...different..are you sure?" I approached his bedside, and sat down in the chair next to the wall, and scooted closer to him, wrapping my arms over the bed rails.

"Yeah...just a little head hurts..and I have a few broken knuckles..but other than that..I'm happy you're here.." He managed a smile..

Something wasn't right...

His normal teasing, and joking personality is gone...he doesn't have that smirk on his face that I love so much..his eyes are longer full of his angry, pervy attitude....he seems to be a completely different person..

"Mike.." I rested my hand on his shoulder, making him flinch. "You are my best know you can tell me anything.."

"I know..that's why I refused to talk to anyone..but you.." He turned his head to look at me...there's that smile..

"Anna...I'm sorry for hurting should be my job to protect you..not the other way around.."

"Mike...I'm fine.." I sighed..

"I see that now..but I'm still sorry."

"Okay..I forgive you.." I whispered..

"You were right earlier today....I do feel extremely better when you hug could you do me a favor and come here?" He joked, I could hear the fun in his voice returning.

Complying to his request, I leaned over the bed rail, and gently wrapped my arms around Mike's waist..

Who am I kidding..? I wouldn't care if Mike did something just as bad as Vincent...I trust him..even if no one else does...I don't know why..but I take back what I said...he makes me feel pretty alright too.

Mike's arms coiled around me..and I could feel him begin to relax..he let out a deep if releasing all of the pain he had endured today..

He pulled back, then fell against his pillow, wrapping his arms behind his head.

Purpleguy/Vincent x Reader  *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now