Chapter 4

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Reader's POV

As I watched over the game, I noticed something. Something that will doom us all. Rufus was standing still, silent and motionless. I was worried that we were going to lose this one badly.

I looked at our score and noticed that Gray had -2. How even Gray? Good job bud, good job.

I was to worried about something I was told by the Divine Warriors.

FlashBack To DivineHQ

"Here's some advice. If things go bad and you need help, raise you're arms up to the side and announce 'Divine Warrior Teleport!' that will make it so when you announce our proper name were known as, we'll appear and help you fight" You nodded at Levin The Iron Fist as thanks and left for you're mission

End of FlashBack

What you didn't notice is that Fairy Tail lost but Fairy Tail Team B got second place. You mentally cursed, but it wasn't his fault. You decided to cheer for Gray even though we got last, mainly because he came in sulking.

When Gray came in he had slumped shoulders but you ran up and gave him a hug.

His cheeks had created a decorative pink tint. You didn't notice though so when you pulled out of the hug he turned his head, face feeling hot still.

"Well folks that was grand magic games day one, kabo! Come back tomorrow for the next competition, that's all, kabo!"

You looked up as of where the annoying pumpkin guy kept saying dumb things such as kabo. You shrugged it off and ran ahead to meet up with you're other Fairy Tail Team.

When you got there you noticed something was off. As if you were being watched. You turned around and was met by someone. You ran away but they still followed you.

In the end you were cornered in a dark back ally. You were stuck there. You were about to say,'Weapon Deploy' because that makes you're sword deploy into you're hand.

You're mouth was swiftly covered, and you couldn't close you're eyes because you wanted to. You weren't scared just confused. You were met by the persons eyes.

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