Steady Me Lord

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Song Dayyyyyyyy
YEAH!! I can just breathe in the, let's get to it.

Today's song is Steady Me by Hollyn


Only You know how to steady me....

When I listen to this, I think of God and the caring and loving Father aspect of Him. If I am just to frazzled, and wound up in my emotions and circumstances of life, God is always there to calm me down and steady my soul.

God helps us to get on the right track in our lives, He carefully guiding us back when we stray.


No matter what the pressure, pressure

You will always be the answer, answer

This is one of my favourite parts of the song, when I heard it for the first time, I was just like "Amen, yes!" :) But it is truly wonderful that God is our comfort and answer in all the things of life.


I'm serving you until the death of me

Even if my light gets dim I know He's there for me

When we've reached the point of we just don't know what to pray, and we are worn and tired, we have faith that He is still there.

Is your light dimming? Are you struggling to figure out God, questioning Him, looking for answers?

TRUST HIM, He has never left you and He never will. Run from the lies of the Enemy, you have GOD.


Isn't this such a song of reassurance? Life can be tough, but we have a God greater than it all!!

This should be our prayer in times where things looking overwhelming and our emotions fall,

steady me Lord,

steady me.


"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 (NIV)


From my heart to yours,

presh 1115


QUESTION: For a trip, are you the one who packs too little, or too much, or are you the lucky one who packs perfectly every time ;) (I usually pack WAY TOO MUCH, but I'm getting better, and I am slowly, reducing the amount I pack :)

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