What am I forgetting?

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You know that feeling that you are forgetting something, but you just
can't figure it out? Yup, I know that feeling, but it really hurts when you have realize what you were missing, but you can't go back! lol (okay, now I can look back at those moments and laugh, but in that present it was not funny)
For me the question is always "why?" "Why couldn't I remember, I really need that..." Or "Now what am I supposed to do?"
Have you ever thought, why you don't sometimes stress about why you didn't get eight cups of water today, or why your protein intake level was so low?
Ummmm, well because I am not a health fanatic, this one is not the Olympian.
Lol, okayyyy, BUT, think of it this way, why don't we worry about our essentials more? Why don't we worry when don't eat breakfast? In way, we can get away with those things, however I wanted to use these examples to just bring to our attention that we take our essentials for granted.

Yes, food, water, they are all very much important, but what about our smile that could brighten someone's day? That could be an essential. What about that encouraging word to your friend that is down? That could be an essential. What about reading your Bible? That is an essential. Well what about taking to Jesus, not even in a official prayer, just a word of thanks, or simply just pouring your heart out to Him, giving Him all that you have held back, from others. Giving Him everything. That is an essential.
It can be hard, but I challenge you, just like I am challenging myself, to take care of the essentials. I do not want to put anybody down, because I know that it can happen sometimes, when you analyze your life so much, you feel that everything is not going right. Just take it slow, day by day, your not doing this because I said so, or because of someone, but because of Jesus,
you are doing this for Jesus!

From my heart to yours,
QUESTION: what is your favourite colour? (I don't have one!)
A/N: Whoo! That was longer than I thought it was going to be, but the rant is over now! ;)
Hope you guys are having a fun week! Until next time!!

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