DISNEY....ish, kind of....

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When I was thinking about my topic for this update, I guess it was pretty broad..."Disney flavor" can be from the classic princesses, to the new action movies. So, for this short story I based it on the first things I think about when I hear the word "DISNEY", and that for me is magical. For me, Disney has always been able to keep this...umm underlying truth and heartfelt spirit about it, at least in the movies, some of those shows on Disney Channel...I still need to dig deeper ;). For example, the last Disney movie I saw was the movie McFarland, it was an amazing movie to watch, it was inspiring to me, and it's interesting how movies can do that. There is always something magical about a Disney movie, something that surprises you, something that makes you laugh, or even cry, something that stays  with you.

Don't you think that God maybe even talks through movies as well, I mean don't different things tug at our hearts for a reason?


Okay so no, I will not be creating a spectacular Disney story that will inspire the next Disney movie, giving me millions of-, blah, blah, blah,...buuuuttt I will try my best to create something special that I hope you will enjoy!

Happy reading!!


From the back seat of the car, Aria stared at the tall willow tree in the lawn outside her new school, its branches moved like arms of a dancer, graceful, yet strong. She wished she could be like the willow tree, unmovable, teasing viewers to worry, making them hold their breath, waiting for her to fall, then surprise them by getting up, showing them that she stood strong.

But it never happened, Aria never got up. Leaving Panna Preparatory was what brought her down. And now, looking at the walls of her new school, she worried that she wouldn't get up. She was scared to say the least, so anxious, so-

"Aria, it's time."

"Mom can I-"

"No, not this time", her mother's blue eyes looked at Aria sadly. "Honey, I am sorry, but this is just...something y-you'll have to get used to, I know-, ...I'm...s-so sorry." Her eyes looked back at the wheel she now gripped in her hands, her lips were starting to quiver but with a forceful blink, she turned back to me with a soft smile. "Go on, you can do it."

"I'll try" was Aria's answer as she got out of the car and closed the door, she ran a hand through her strawberry-brown hair, it relaxed her, but only for seconds, before the emotions started flooding back. Shifting her vision from the entrance, she saw other people going into the school, first a group girls a wearing pink. Really?  Come on people, we are supposed to be grown up now, and girls get it right, mean girls wear pink on WEDNESDAYS! Yah, that's right, your a day early!

Aria smiled to herself, now walking slowing toward the school, talking in her head really did make things better, she could feel her nervous emotions melting away, she felt so more confident, and more of herself in a way, but leaving the place she had only ever know since she was 5 was hard. But she couldn't let her parents down. They were one of the many viewers, holding their breath, sitting on the edge. They believed she could get up...did she? Adjustments had to be made since the economy was shifting, and leaving Panna Prep was one of the many.

And now it was the time they had all been waiting for, the moment of truth...it was time. Glancing up, she saw her new school name, it was funny that she had been to worked up for this day but she didn't even know the name of her school. Okay, Riverview High, show me what you got.


Thanking the server for her food, what she saw on her tray wasn't to bad, some meat and pasta, it could be good. Looking up, her light blue eyes scanned the large room...it was loud. Doing work had calmed the nerves down, but now during lunch, Aria was tensing up again.

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