(Chapter 14) Something Worth Living For

Start from the beginning

Of course, he had been just that up until they’d met. The thought that she would never accept him as her father had crossed his mind more than once over the past three weeks and it tore at his heart, but he knew the thought of never even having the knowledge that she was alive was far worse and that he would take what he could get with her.

Things had turned out for the best – in the end; and as he watched in amazement at the way Chloe freely joked around with him, easily letting the word daddy fall from her lips, giving him parental acknowledgement, Eric knew he couldn’t picture his life without her in it.

“Okay, okay, enough laughing at my expense.” He added lightly, “All serious now, I think the best way to handle this would be with some samples. Don’t you?”

He steered the cart to a hanging on the wall which held all the samples of the paints within the store. There were different shades of each colour they stored, all printed on a strip of cardboard. They had just about everything, ranging from red, to blues, to greens, yellows, and Chloe’s new favourite – black.

“Okay, see anything you like? This looks nice.” Eric commented, picking up a pastel shade of yellow.

“Hmm… I don’t really like yellow.”

“Okay, so do you see anything you want?”

Chloe scanned over the samples that lined the wall, her face a mask of concentration.

“I like this one and this one too.” She leaned up and picked up a sample that held different shades of lilac and the other green.

“Okay,” Eric took the samples from her, “which one to you like more?”

“I like them both.”

“Of course you do. How about this, we’ll get them both.” He suggested.


“Yes,” he chuckled at the stars in her eyes, “really. I think they could go nicely together, if we get the right shades.”

“Okay then. But we need other supplies as well.”

“So what else do we need Handy Mandy?”

She thought for a second and then jumped up excitedly, “Paint brushes.”

Eric smiled at her, “Yup, that and some other things. I’m sure you’re going to need some shelves in your room.”

“Yeah, where else am I going to put my dolls?”

“Let’s get our paint and be on our way. We still have a game to get to after all and we don’t want to be late for that.”

“No we don’t. Come on, daddy. Let’s get done, before we’re late.”

Eric shook his head with a smile on his face, “Okay let’s get this over with, shall we.”


With Chloe carrying the lighter items, she and Eric walked out the elevator of his apartment building. He’d wanted to bring their purchases home before they went to the game and a part of him wanted to see Heather too.

She’d been a bit upset with him this morning when he’d told her he had plans with Chloe to go shopping for supplies for her room and that they had a game after, when she asked if they could spend the day together. He’d offered her a chance to go with them, saying it was a good chance for her to get to know Chloe, but as usual, she thought up some excuse to avoid the situation.

Something Worth Living For (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now