Chapter 49

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Third point-

Steve slammed his shield down onto one of the men's head. Another man grabbed his arm but Bucky kicked the man in the stomach. All Steve thought about was getting back to Rae. He saw Bucky pick up a gun and went running. Steve followed him as he ran towards the edge.

He leaped up, jumping off. Steve watched his friend busted through glass of the next building, disappearing from sight. He jerked to the side and the man who attacked him, fell over the ledge and into the alley. Steve turned and ran back into the building, where he meet up with Sam.

"Get them all?" Steve asked. Sam nodded and they both jogged back to where they left Rae.

"Rae?!" Steve shouted. "Rae?!"

Then he was suddenly falling face first on the ground. He caught himself and turned to see Rae laying on the ground. Her eyes open, blood dripping onto the floor from her mouth. A gunshot wound on her stomach. Steve quickly leaned over her, checking for a pulse. He leaned down, placing his head over her chest. Hands clenching into fists, her shirt getting fisted with them.

"Steve?" He jerked his head up as he looked up at Sam. He didn't say a word, just placing his hands under Rae's head and knees and standing up. "Steve?"

He continued to ignore Sam as he walked out of the building. He placed her body into the car gently and got into the drivers seat. Sam got in and Steve gunned it down the highway and to the hospital.

"She died, saving the one she'd loved. She died, protecting Sam and I. She died an honorable death." Steve paused, looking over at the picture that had been set up. "Rae was not only an Avenger, she was a friend. A sister. She was my family. I loved her as a sister."

Steve paused, tearing slowly falling down his face. He could hear the people crying, and sobbing. For Rae. He looked at her closed casket and shook his head. He had failed. He failed, horribly. He looked back to the crowd of people, that showed up at the graveyard for Rae's funeral.

"She'll always be remembered. For everyone, an Avenger. For the Avengers, a teammate. For me, a friend. Thank you." Steve stepped down as the help lowered her casket.

Everyone got up and started to walk past the hole where her casket laid, dropping white and red flowers over her casket. Steve placed his hand into his pocket and felt the chains. He had taken them off her and was going to make sure she had them with her forever. He pulled them out as everyone left, only the team staying.

They all stood around the hole and didn't say a word or looked at each other.

Just her casket. 

They all stepped away as the help filled the hole with dirt. Soon the hole was filled, and the help soon left. They all stood around the now filled hole. Steve looked at Sam, then to Thor, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Tony, Rhodey, Maria, Pietro, then to Wanda next to him. Wanda was the first to move.

"Goodbye, dear Rae." She kissed her hand and placed it into her stone. Pietro stared at the stone then grabbing Wanda's hand, slowly walking away. Bruce placed a flower on top of the dirt, so did Tony. Rhodey following them. They patted Steve's back before walking away.

"She's was a good woman, Steve. She's in a better place." Maria told him. She gave him a gently hug and soon left. Clint placed down two flowers and placed a kiss from his mouth to hand to stone. Following after him, Natasha moved.

"Goodbye, my dear friend. I'll miss you." She gently kissed her hand and pressed it to Rae's name on the stone. She stood up and looked at Steve. He noticed a tear falling down her cheek. She nodded before leaving. Steve looked at Thor and Sam. Thor pulled something out his jacket.

"On Asgard, when a fellow warrior dies, we celebrate their death. Not because they have died but because they lived a beautiful life. With many adventures and journeys. Here on Midgard, you grieve their death, not celebrate. I know from this day forward, with every breathe in my being, I'll always celebrate you, Lady Rae." Thor paused as a tear slipped down his cheek. "May you begin your new journey to your Elders."

Steve watched as more tears slipped from Thor's face. His face turning from what was stone to heartbreak in a moment. Emotion of love for Rae never showed until now. Thor placed the object he had in his hand down onto the ground.

"Something from my home for you, Lady Rae. To help you and guide you on your new adventures and journeys to vast lands and stars." Thor moved his hand and Steve saw it was a compass. A decorated compass with the same symbol on it that Thor had on his armor. He stood and walked away. Thor swung his hammer and then he disappeared. Sam patted his back and as he walked past her stone, he placed his hand on it for a few moments.

"Goodbye, my little tracking buddy." He walked away and left Steve staring down at her stone. He slightly shivered as the wind blew. He closed his eyes and imagined that it was Rae, telling him something. He could hear her laughing in the wind. He opened his eyes. He looked at his hand, which held the dog tags. He placed them back in his pocket.

"Goodbye, Rae. Until we meet again."

With that, Steve walked off. The wind slightly moving the leaves.

"I brought you some things from home. Thought you might want them." Sam said.

"Thanks." She took the bag and placed it in the trunk. With Sam watching her as she slid the necklace around her neck.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Sam asked. She looked back at him.

"Yes. It's the only way. I'm officially off the gird. Besides, no one's gonna expect a dead girl to be walking." She explained to Sam.

"Yeah, I guess." Sam whispered.

"Sam, I know this may be hard for you but I have to do this. But I can't do it without your help. Do you understand?" She asked.

"Yes. I understand."

Up top is the picture used at the funeral. Hope you like this chapter.

Even After DeathOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora