Chapter 12

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"Come on, we got to go." Bucky whispered next to me. My hands were shaking with fear.

"Bucky, you got to give me a minute. This is very fragile work." I pleaded to him. I grabbed another wire and twisted with the original wire. I looked at little clock thing, seeing no numbers. "Damn it."

"Maybe we should have had Gabe do this." Bucky commented. I turned to him and glared.

"If you're so worried about this stupid bomb, then go. Have Steve give you another job and let me do this in silence." I hissed out, unwrapping a wire. 

"How the hell did this stupid thing disable?" He growled at the stupid bomb.

"Bucky!" I peered at him. "Go! Now!" He gave me a hard look and left without a fight. I turned back to the nonworking bomb.

"God, I hate you." I hissed at it. I punched it and the numbers came up. 10.....9...8.

"Ah shit!" I quickly get up and ran out of the room, not caring if any guards see me. Because you know, they're going to die and possibly me. I ran harder as I counted down from eight in my head.

3....... I saw the open door.

2......... I'm not going to make it.


My body fell forward as the bomb exploded. Landing hard on the ground, I felt pieces of rubble hit me. My ears were ringing from the aftermath of the bomb. I slowly get up on my hands and noticed the black ash on my hands. Looking back, the factory was gone and in shambles.

I had made it. I touched my ringing ears and pulled my hand back, seeing blood.

"RAE!" I heard Steve's voice echo in my ears. I slowly looked around, looking for his red and blue suit.

"RAE!" His voice once again hit my ears. I carefully stand up on my heeled feet and placed a hand on a piece of rubble. A hand pressed against my back and a arm went around my back.

"Rae, are you okay?" Steve asked, coming into my line of vision. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, um...." I trailed off. He got a 'worried' look on his face.

"We have to get you check out. Come on." We started walking and he helped me for a few moments before I walked by myself. He walked next to me, just incase I fell or anything. Steve looked around, watching for any Hydra men that might have survived.

A 'bang' went off and then a dead Hydra men fell down from hill of rubble. We both turned to where the bullet came from and Bucky was up on a little hill, cocking his gun. Steve salutes him and finished looking around while I kept staring at Bucky. I smiled slightly. At least he made it out alright.

"Alright, let's get you to a medic." Steve told me as he wrapped my arm over his shoulders and an arm around my waist, led me towards Bucky and away from the rubble. Bucky meet up with us and took me from Steve.

"I got her."

"Can you hear this?" The medic snapped his fingers by my ears. I felt my ears twitch and I nodded. He flashed a light in my eyes and told me to follow his finger. I did what was ask and he looked at Bucky.

"Is she okay?" Bucky asked, concern laced in his tone. The medic sighed.

"She should be fine. Might have some ear pain the next few days but she should be fine." The medic turned to me. "You're very lucky."

"Thank you." I said. He nodded and left. I turned to Bucky.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"For what?"

"Yelling. You were just making everything worse." I admitted to him, looking away.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You got out and that's all that matters now. You're safe and healthy. And whatever you did to get that bomb to go off." He told me. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

"I'm so happy you got out. Happy that you are sitting here, and not dead under some rubble." He admitted. I smiled slightly at him. Steve always told me Bucky was this big man with a soft heart. I had never seen it until now. I never realized until now, that every fight we had the last few months, every little thing he did for me, had made me slowly fall for him. Hard.

"I'm happy to be alive too."

Bucky's Point-

The truck bounced and Rae's head rolled onto my shoulder. I peered down at her and smiled at her sleeping form. The truck bounced again and I quickly caught her before she fell into my lap. Gently placing her head back on my shoulder, my glaze went over to Steve who sat across me. He was smiling at me.

"You say nothing." I pointed at him, meaning what I said. He held up his hands.

"I'm not the one who won't tell her that you love her." He replied. I looked down at the sleeping beauty in my arms.

"I will." I admitted. Just don't know when.

"When?" I turned back to him. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe when this is all over. When I don't have to worry about anyone having a gun to her head. When there is no target on her back at any moment. When I know I'll have some-......That's when I'll tell her." I reached out and moved a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Bucky." I peered at my best friend since grade school. He had a sad smile on his face. "Finish your sentence."

"When I know I'll have someone to come home too. To be able to not hide behind a mask anymore. To have someone who just doesn't want me for just the looks but for so much more. I want someone who I'll know who'll love me through anything till death, and even after death." I admitted my feelings, brushing my right hand down her back. The cloth of her uniform felt soft, kind of like her skin.

"Even after death, huh?" I nodded at him.

"I want someone who love me even after I die." I leaned forward, pressing my lips to her forehead.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I love her to death."

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