Chapter 35

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This is what I imagined how good Rae's knife throwing is. 

I held onto the bar on the truck as men flew next to us. I kicked away a man, running him into a tree. The truck was slammed not by the truck beside us and I flipped myself off the truck, knocking down two men. Steve drove by me, grabbing one of the men by his foot.

The other man threw his fist and I grabbed it. I swung my leg around, kicking his side and shoved him into his own team's truck. Steve came back around and I jumped up on the bike. He gunned it as the team jumped over the line of defense. Tony flew away, took the building.

"Shit." He cursed.

"Language." Steve complained at Tony. "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by come kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra bas we're taken." Jarvis answered. I hopped off Steve's bike and jumped onto a man. I snapped his neck as another came at me.

"Loki's specter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount his defense without it. At long last." Thor explained into the ear piece. I shot one man and grabbed onto another's wrist. I wrapped my foot around his arm, climbing up on his shoulders, then twisted down. His neck snapped as another man was knocked out by the man's feet hitting him.

"At long last is lasting a little long boys." Nat said.

"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise." Barton added. A shield knocked away all the men that surround me and I grabbed it. I bumped away a man, him hitting a tree.

"Wait a sec, no one else is going to deal with the fact that the Cap just said 'language." Tony reminded us.

"I know." Steve said as he threw his bike into a truck. Destroying it again. "It just slipped out."

"Just love destroying your bikes, don't you?" I asked him and he shoved me into a tree as I shot the man in the truck. Steve took his shield back as I went running. I threw knives, almost hitting Barton.

"Rae!" He complained. I shrugged as I hid behind a tree next to him.

"What? I didn't hit you. Yet." I played. He gave me a look. I moved out of hiding, throwing two knives. They dug themselves into a man's chest. Dead center. I moved back, just missing a blast at me.

"Should I be worried that you're going to kill me?" He asked.

"Really haven't decided yet." He huffed and yanked out an arrow. He aimed at the bunker and fired. We both waited for the loud boom. It never came. He went to fire another one when we both were flipped off our feet. I looked up to see a white haired man walk past us.

"You didn't see that coming?" His Slovakian accent rolled off his tongue as he said it. Then he was blurred away. Barton got up and was shot by a blast.

"Clint!" I rolled to him, not wanting to be hit as well. I heard running and saw Nat running at us.

"We got enhancement in the field." Steve told all of us.

"Clint's hit." Nat told everyone else.

"Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" I asked into the ear piece. Then Hulk came smashing through it.

"Thank you." Nat said. I saw that Nat got in and I got up, running in the direction of Steve. I ducked under Steve's shield, grabbing it as it went over my head. I spun, hitting men away from me.

"Stark, we really need to get inside." Steve told him as he kept his eye on me. Or maybe his precious shield. I bumped the last man away from me then slamming it into his head. I then threw it back to him and he almost got it with it. He used it as we got blasted at and I threw two knives, killing the two men.

"Jaw bridge is down, people." Stark stated to everyone. We both ran to Thor as he looked around.

"The enhanced?" Thor asked.

"He's a blur. With all the new players we're faced, I've never seen this. In fact, still haven't." Steve said.

"Clint's hit pretty bad guys. We're going to need evac." Nat said.

"I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone, the better. You and Stark, secure the specter. Lady Rae, I will need your assistance." I nodded.

"Copy that." I looked around and saw more men and tanks coming at us.

"It looks like they're lining up." I hinted at Thor and Steve.

"Well they're excited." Steve said to me. He held up his shield and Thor slammed his hammer down on it. The energy knocking them off their feet.

"Find the scepter." Thor ordered. He grabbed me then we were flying.

"And for gosh sack, watch your language." Stark joked, being mean.

"That's not going away anytime soon."

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