Chapter 13

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I stared at the zip line over my head, standing next to Steve. Bucky came up on the other side of him, glancing at it too.

"Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky asked Steve.

"Yeah and I threw up?" Steve replied back, slightly in disgust.

"This isn't payback, is it?" Bucky asked. Steve turned to him.

"Now why would I so that?" He mocked his friend.

"We were right." We turned to Gabe and Jim. "Dr. Zola's on the train. Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad." Gabe finished.

"Let's get going, because they're moving like the devil." Jacques said, watching the train. I walked over to the zip line and hocked the handle.

"We only got about a 10 second window. You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield." Steve stated to us.

"Mind the gab." Jacques told us. I moved back and Steve grabbed onto the handle. Jim handed me another one.

"Better get moving, bugs." Dugan told us.

Steve pushed off then Bucky went. I hooked my handle on and pushed off. I saw Steve and Bucky jump down and Bucky turned back. I let go and he caught me by the hips. He didn't let go until I was balanced on my heeled feet. He grabbed my hand as we started to move on top of the train.

Steve stopped at a latter and climbed down. Bucky followed then me. Since I was a little short to be able to place my feet in, Bucky held onto my arm and pulled me in once I reached the bottom of the entrance. I walked behind Bucky as we moved down a little intersection, Steve crossing into another room.

A door slid shut, locking us in and Steve out. I heard a buzzing and I turned around. Bucky shoved me to the side as the Hydra man fire at us. I yanked out a gun and started to shoot, managing to kill one. Another fired and I ducked down, as the bullet hit the wall where my head was.

I reloaded and moved up to shot again. My gun locked and I was slammed back into the wall when a bullet went through my shoulder. Yelping out, I ducked back down as Bucky moved to my side. He looked at my shoulder for a moment.

"I'm fine." I lied. Pain was shooting up and down my arm and neck. He nodded and started shooting again, moving back to the other side. He pulled the trigger again but it locked. He ducked behind a crate and looked at me. The door slide opened and a magazine was thrown to Bucky. They managed to kill the man and Steve looked at my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I lied again. Bucky watched the man on the ground, moving towards us.

"I had him on the ropes." He said to Steve.

"I know you did." Steve answered. A buzzing sound came from behind us and I looked to see a Hydra man with a machine. "Get down."

Steve pushed me behind him as the man fired. We were knocked back as the blast hits the shield, causing it to bounce and hit the side of the train. I looked up from where I was laying to see a big gap in the train and Bucky picking up Steve's shield, shooting at the man. The man fired again, knocking Bucky out of the train.

"BUCKY!" I screamed, getting up. Steve grabbed his shield and threw it at the man, knocking him back. We both ran to the opening.

"Bucky!" Bucky was hanging onto a bar on the broken piece that was still attached to the train. Steve started to climb out  onto the broken part. "Hang on!"

"Hang on, Bucky." I pleaded to him. Please don't die, I pleaded to myself.

"Grab my hand!" Steve demanded to Bucky, holding out his hand. Bucky holds out his hand but I watched the pole break off. Bucky screamed as it broke off.

"BUCKY!" I screamed as he disappeared into the mountains. I fell to my knees, tears slipping down my cheeks. I didn't realize I was screaming until I felt arms come around my shoulders and a head into my neck. I held onto Steve as he cried into my neck. I held onto him as I slowly became numb.

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