Chapter 28

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We both walked into the hospital with our heads down, not wanting the cameras to catch our faces. Steve walked straight up to the vending machine while I leaned against the wall, placing a foot high against it, waiting. Natasha walked out of the room behind him and snapped the gun in her mouth. Steve turned and shoved her back into the room, with me following behind him. He shoved her against the wall.

"Where is it?" He hissed at her. I just leaned against the wall, watching them.

"Safe." She told him, slightly looking back at me.

"It better." He said.

"Where did you get it?" She questioned him.

"Why would I tell you?" He questioned her back.

"Fury gave it to you. Why?" She asked him.

"What's on it?" He questioned her more. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"I don't know." She answered truthfully.

"Stop lying." He hissed at her. I cocked my head at his weird behavior.

"I only act like I know everything, Rogers." She admitted.

"But you know Fury hired the pirates, didn't you?" He asked.

"Well it makes sense. The ship was dirty and Fury needed a way in so you-""I'm not going to ask you again." He interrupted her, which was very unlike him.

"I know who killed Fury and tried to kill Rae. Most of the intelligence committee doesn't believe he exists, the ones who do call him The Winter Soldier. He credited for over two dozen assassinations in the last 50 years." She stated to him.

"So he's a ghost story?" Steve asked.

"Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran and somebody shot out my tires near Odessa. We lost control and went straight over a cliff. I pulled us out but the Winter Solider was there. I was covering my engineer so he shot him straight through me." She lifted up her shirt and showed a nasty scar on her hip. "Solvik made, no rifling, bye bye bikinis."

"Yeah, I bet you look terrible in them now." He commented.

"Going after him is a dead end. I know, I've tried. Like you said, he's a ghost story. Rae."' Steve turned to me as I held up the drive in question.

"Let's find out what the ghost wants." I reached over and threw him some clothes. "Put those on."

"Did you two plan this?" He asked, looking at the clothes in his hands.

"No, it sort of happened. I caught her taking the drive." Nat told him.

"How did you-""I was spying. Turn around." I ordered him. He turned and I quickly changed into the new clothing. Then we left to the shopping mall.

"First rule of being on the run is don't run, walk." Nat told us as we walked towards the Apple Store.

"If I run in these shoes, they're gonna fall off." Steve commented. We got the store and Nat started to go to work on one.

"The drive has a level 6 homing program. So as soon as we boot up, SHIELD will know where we are." Nat said.

"How much time do we have?" He asked. I handed her the drive and she slid it in.

"Umm... about nine minutes from.... now. Fury was right about the ship. Somebody's trying to hide something. The drive is protected, it keeps rewriting itself, countering my commands." Nat crowned at the screen.

"Can you override it?" Steve asked.

"The person who developed it is slightly smarter than me. Slightly." I smiled at her answer. "I'm gonna try running a tracer. This is a program that develop to tract hostiles no where. So if we can't read the filed, we can fin out where it came from."

"Can I help you guys sigh anything?" I quickly grabbed Steve and shielded the computer from the man's eyes.

"Oh no. Me and my finance were looking through some honeymoon destinations." I lied to the man, placing my hand on Steve's stomach.

"Right, we're getting married." He said.

"Congratulations. Where you guys thinking about going?" Steve leaned back and looked at the screen.

"New Jersey." He answered.

"Ahh. I have the exact same glasses." I smiled in amusement at Steve's discomfort.

"Wow, you guys are practically twins." Nat joked. I elbowed her slightly.

"Yeah, I wish. Specimen. Uh, if you guys need anything, I've been Aaron." the guy left and we turned back to Nat.

"You said nine minutes, come on." Steve said to Nat.

"Relax Got it." I looked at the screen and saw Wheaton, JW.

"I know that place." I admitted.

"You know?" Nat asked Steve.

"We used too. Let's go." Steve took the drive and handed it to me. He grabbed my hand and followed Nat out of the store. We walked down the hall, Steve still holding my hand.

"Standard tag team. Two behind, two across, two coming straight at us. They make us, I'll engage, you two go up the south escalator." He told us.

"Shut up and out your arms around us and augh at something I said." Nat ordered him.


"Do it." He did what he was told and we got on the escalator going down. I looked around and noticed Rumlow coming up the escalator, looking around. I glanced at Nat and she nodded then I turned to Steve. I reached up and started to yank him down.

"What are you-" I pressed my lips to his. He was very tense and rigid, probably very uncomfortable at the moment. I pulled back and he gave me a shocked look.

"Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable." I told him before we started to walk down the escalator.

"Yes, they do." He said.

"Still uncomfortable?" I asked.

"Not exactly the work I would use." He said.

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