Chapter 18

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"Dr. Selvig?" I called for him, looking up at the railing. He moved over to me from the computer.

"Yes?" I pointed up at the man, who was watching us.

"Why does he do that? It's starting to become weird and creepy." I told him. He tapped my shoulder and smiled.

"Because he's a spy. That's how he got his code name: Hawkeye." Selvig answered. I cocked my head at the man.

"Oh, that makes me feel so much better." I lied. Selvig gave me a look that a father would give to him daughter. I shook my head at him, and I noticed Fury walking in.

"Take to me, Dr." He asked Selvig. Selvig walked over to him, moving by the tesseract.

"Director." He greeted Fury. Fury looked at me and I nodded at him, respectfully.

"Is there anything we don't know for certain?" He asked Selvig about the tesseract.

"The tesseract is misbehaving." He answered him. I watched as a man poked it with a metal stick.

"Don't poke it. You could make it worse." I scolded at him. He nodded and walked away.

"Is that supposed to be funny?" Fury asked.

"No, not funny at all. The tesseract is not only active, she's behaving." Selvig explained to him.

"How soon did you pull the plug?"

"It's an energy source. You turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level-""Are you two prepared for this? Harness energy from space?" Fury interrupted me.

"We don't have to harness, my calculations are far from complete. She's throwing off interference radiation, nothing harmful. Low levels of gamma radiation." Selvig explained to him.

"That can be harmful. Where's Agent Barton?" Fury asked about the Hawk.

"The Hawk." They turned to me. "Up in his nest as usual." I pointed upwards. I watched as Barton came down and started to walk with Fury. I looked at Dr. Selvig.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." He comforted me. I nodded and walked over to the tesseract. Fury and Barton looked at me.

"If there was any tampering, it wasn't from this end." Barton finished. Fury gave him a confused look.

"From this end?"

"Yeah, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? Doors open from both sides." Barton told him. After he said that, a pulse came out from the cube. I moved away from it. Another pulse came from it.

"Get back." I ordered Fury and Barton. They did what I asked and the cube started to grow bigger. Then a blast shot through the room and a portal opened. It moved up towards the ceiling and a man was standing in the middle of the room. Guards moved towards the man, as he looked up at them.

"Sir, please put down the spear." Fury demanded from the man, making me noticed the spear in his hand.

The man looked at the spear and shot a blast in our direction. Barton shoved me to the side and pulled Fury away from the blast, as gunshots filled the air. I slowly get up, looking at the dead men around the man. The man ran over to Barton and I pulled out my gun as he grabbed Barton's arm.

"You have a heart." He said. He pressed the spear to Barton's chest. I walked closer as blue came up from his neck, his eyes blacking out then turning as blue as the stone on the spear. He let go of Barton's arm as I pressed my gun to his head.

"Put it down." I ordered the man. He looked at me before knocking me away with the spear.

"Please, don't. I still need that." The man said to Fury. Fury turned to him.

"This doesn't have to get any messier." He said to the man. I get up and Barton's arm wrapped around my neck, squeezing.

"Of course, it does. I've come to far for nothing else. I am Loki of Asgard. And I am burdened with glorious purposes." The man, known now as Loki, said.

"Loki. Brother of Thor." Dr. Selvig said, standing up. Loki looked at him.

"We have no coral with your people." Fury tried to reason with him.

"An ant has no coral with a boot." Loki shot back.

"Are you planning to step on us?" Fury asked. Loki moved to Dr. Selvig.

"I come with glad tightings of a world made free." Loki told him.

"Free from what?" Fury asked.

"Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that in your heart-" He turned and pressed the spear to Dr. Selvig chest. "Then you will know peace."

Everything just got worse.

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