Chapter 22

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I watched Clint as he pulled his bow from the casing. I tightened my thigh holster and slid a gun into it. He looked at me as I did.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Are you?" I questioned back. A frown came upon his face.

"Don't mock me." He demanded. I smirked at him.

"Wasn't going to. Open the hatch!" I ordered the pilot. The hatch began to open as Clint got ready to shot. "Oh and don't miss."

"I never miss." He stated.

"Then show me you never miss." He shoved me gently away as the hatch fully opened.

He pulled out an arrow from the quiver on his back and aimed it at the ship. His body relaxed and then let the arrow go. The arrow whizzed through the air and attached itself to one of the many engines on the craft. Then it exploded. Clint turned to me.

"What do you think now?"

"You never miss." I answered. I looked towards the sitting men. "You kill anyone you have to. I don't care who, just kill anyone or anything that gets in your way. Got it!?"

"Yes, ma'am." They all answered.

"Good. Drop the ship." The jet landed down on the craft and the men jogged out with Clint and I following.

"I'll take care of the control room. You find Loki and get him back to the jet." He ordered me.

"Can I have a little fun doing it?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled and moved away from the group and to a vent. I kicked it then jumped inside, moving down the hall with a gun in my hand. Groans reached my ears and I turned my head, seeing Natasha and a changing Banner.

"Just as planned." I pressed a finger to the piece on my suit. "He's turning green. I repeat, he's turning green."

I quickly moved away from them and found two men. They came running at me and I kicked myself up then off the wall, kicking the two men down. I slid under the other two coming, turning, shooting them in the back. Walking into a room, I saw Phil looking at me in disbelief but also with sadness.

"You're here." He whispered. I kneeled down next to him.

"I won't be for long." I admitted. He reached up, moving a fallen piece of hair behind my ear.

"Please, don't go with-""Come, my darling. We have much to do in such little time." Loki interrupted him. I looked at him then back to Phil. He had a pleading look on his face.

"Goodbye Phil." Loki took my hand and we walked out of the room. An alarm went off as red flashed through the building. I paused and stopped Loki.

"Stark and Rogers are going to fix the-" Loki stopped the man by thrusting his scepter into the man's chest. Then turned to me.

"Go stop the soldier and the metal man." I nodded and went to run off when he tugged me back. He pressed his lips onto mine, hard. He pulled back after a moment. "I'll see you soon, my darling."

I ran off into the direction of the destroyed engine and saw Steve kill the last of my men. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at Steve.

"Look what we have here." I spoke up. Steve jerked towards the sound of my voice.


"Hello Steve." I greeted him as I kept my gun aimed at his chest.

"Rae, fight Loki's control." He pleaded as he held out his hands slightly. I grabbed a new magazine out of a pocket of my belt.

"What control? I do as I please, freely." I stated to him. He shook his head.

"Rae, he's manipulating you. Why can't-" I slid the magazine into the gun, interrupting him. "Rae, please don't make me do this. I don't want to hurt you." He pleaded even more.

"Too bad. It's a good thing I do."

I fired at him but he dodged the bullets, moving closer to me. He slapped my gun away and I kicked his thigh. He fell down onto that knee and I wrapped a leg around his neck. He grabbed onto my other one before I could wrap it around his neck. I straddled his shoulder and kneed him in the face. He reached up, grabbing onto my chest holster before yanking me down.

My back slammed onto the ground but I kicked myself back up. I turned back to Steve with my fists up. He swung at me but I blocked it. I returned the attack by kneeling him in the side. He caught my ankle and tossed me into the wall. I reached back and when I looked at my fingers, I saw blood. I glared up at him and his eyes widened.

"You're going to regret that." I hissed.

I quickly get back up and took the first swing. He barely blocked my incoming fist. I turned and ran up the wall, spinning around, kicking him in the side of the head. He fell back onto the ground and groaned. He grabbed onto my ankle, pulling me down. He climbed up on me and pinned my arms under his legs. He placed his palms above my shoulders and leaned down.

"Rae, Loki-" I brought my head up, knocking it into his. My arms were released and I punched him in the neck. He fell off of me and I quickly stood up and was about to kick him when I was thrown into the wall.

"Wow, Cap. Getting your ass handed to you by a girl who is have your size. Such a disappoint-oh shit!" I kicked Stark out of the ship and dropped kick Steve in the chest.

He managed to grab onto my knee and punched me in the face. He kicked me in the chest, making the top half of my body to hit the ground. I let out a groan as Steve dropped me. I went to go stand up but he punched me in the face. I fell into the wall, falling to my knees. I looked up at him.


Then a red hand came into my line of vision and I was out.

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