Chapter 14

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"Through and through. She'll survive."

That nurse's voice rang in my head as I walked back to my room. I got in and slammed the door shut, leaning on it.

Yeah, I'll survive. Just with this emptiness inside my chest, where my heart was supposed to be. I pressed my hands to my face and went I brought them away, I saw a envelop on my pillow. I yanked it off the pillow and ripped it open.

Something fell out an clinked against the floor, but I ignored it. I sat down on my bed and stared to read the letter.

                 "I have written this letter a thousand times and I still don't know what to say. If you're reading this, then  have either told you how I've felt or I have died. Most likely the latter. I've never had the guts to tell you and I would always remove this letter from your pillow before you ever stepped foot in your room.

               I had always been the ladies man since grade school but when I met you, when I first saw you in that factory, I couldn't describe how I felt. Or what was racing through my mind. Maybe it was your eyes, or your look of relief, or maybe just you in general. I never really had the guts to admit to anyone but Steve but I have too.

             I love you. No. I'm in love with you. Never in my life, have I fallen in love with a woman. Mostly girls but not a woman like you. But you, you changed everything. My whole perspective in life. Here you were, standing in front of me, looking up or down at me, and I want that forever. Knowing that I can come home after all this god sakin war, to a place where it's warm. To a place I'll know you'll be.

          If I could, I would tell you and show you how much I'm so in love with you.

          I'm in love with you, Rae Donovan and I'll make the world know it.


                                                   James Buchanan Barnes."

Tears dripped from my cheeks onto the paper. I looked at the floor where I had heard something drop and noticed a necklace. Getting down on my knees, I lifted it up.

James Buchanan Barnes

His dog tags. I looked at the key and saw it was a house key. Grabbing the letter, I flipped it over. Seeing an address to an apartment in Brooklyn. I clutched the tags to my chest and leaned against my bed, silently crying.

I stared in my broken mirror in the bathroom and wiped away the dried up makeup and tear stains. I looked at the bandage hands, seeing a little blood seeping out. I changed them and took a deep breath.

I'm ready for this.

I walked out of my room after two days of complete silence, going to main room. I saw the squad sitting around a table and Colonel Phillips talking about Hydra. Steve's back was facing me, not noticing my entrance. I leaned against the wall support and crossed my hands.

"Johann Schmidt belongs in a bughouse. He thinks he's a god, and he's willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with the USA." Colonel Phillips said. Howard walked in my line of vision, sitting in his seat, next to Steve. Also not noticing my presence.

"Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities. He gets across the Atlantic, he will wipe out the entire Eastern Seaboard in an hour." Howard stated. I moved a little and I felt the warmth of the tags under my shirt, rubbing against my chest.

"How much time we got?" Gabe asked the most important question.

"According to my new best friend, under 24 hours." Colonel Phillips joked a little.

"Where is he now?" Gabe asked another question. Colonel tossed a picture to him.

"Hydra's last base is here. In the Alps, 500 feet below the surface."

"So what are we supposed to do? I mean, it's not like we can just knock on the front door." Jim spoke up.

"Why the hell not?" Everyone turned to me as I walked up behind Steve, placing my bandaged hands on his shoulders. Steve smirked up at me, thinking the same thing and turned to the Colonel.

"That's exactly what we're going to do."

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