Chapter 42

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"Two minutes. Stay close." Steve said as we dropped him off. Nat was working at the computers while I helped Clint fly. Even though he didn't need it. I cracked my knuckles and Clint flinched slightly at the sound. "Did you guys copy that?"

"We did." Clint respond. I looked around, for anything unusual on the streets.

"I got them. Private jet taking off across town." Nat told us. I shook my head at her. I pointed out to Clint, a semi from the lab.

"There. A truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge, it's them. Three with the cradle p, one in the cab." I told Steve through the ear piece.

"I can take out the drive." Clint told him.

"No, we take out that truck, then the gem could level the whole city. We need to draw out Ultron." I told Clint.

"Well he's definitely unhappy. I'm gonna try to keep him that way." Steve stated.

"You're not a match for him, Cap." Clint told him.

"Thanks Barton." I unhooked myself and went to the back.

"Barton, open the hatch." I told him, getting onto the motorcycle. He looked back at me.

"Negative Rae. I have no window." He denied.

"Open the god damn hatch." I ordered him. The hatch opened slowly and I drove straight into traffic. I sped behind a car, turning around, heading back toward the truck. A blue and red shield tumbled around on the ground, going right past me. I took a right and went around for it.

"Always picking up after you, Steve." As I drove past it, I leaned down. Snatching it up, I placed it in front of the handle bars then sped back up.

"Rae, you need to take a hard right, now." I did what Clint said and I took it. Leaning forward, I drove right under the truck. Steve looked down at me and I threw up his shield. I came to halt as Ultron pulled up a piece of the road. Dodging the blasts he threw at me, I rode up the stairs.

"Clint, can you draw out the guards?" I asked, driving past people.

"Let's find out. Oh and don't move." The Quinjet came down and Nat jumped down behind me. She wrapped her arms around my waist as he drawled out the guards. I sped back up to the truck as it started to get out of my sight.

"Headed back towards you. So whatever you two are going to do, do it now." Clint told us.

"We're going in. Cap, can you keep him occupied?" Nat asked from behind me.

"What do you think I've been doing?" He asked. Nat hands slid over mine and I let go of the handles. I carefully jumped onto the truck, Nat following me. I looked at the cradle and tapped it. The body inside flinched. Then the truck tilted back. Nat started to slid out but she grabbed onto my ankle.

"Package is airborn. I have a clean shot." Clint said.

"Negative. We're still in the truck." Nat told him.

"What-""Just be ready. We're sending the package to you." She interrupted him.

"How do you want me to take it?" He asked. I struggled to unhook the hooks and just pulled out a knife, cutting the material.

"Uh, you're going to wish you didn't ask that." I told him.

"I lost him. He's heading your way." Steve's voice filled my ears.

"Guys we gotta go." Clint reminded us. We both pushed out and into the Quinjet. Something wrapped around my foot, yanking me back. I knocked my head against the door of the hatch before I was out.

I groaned as I woke up. I reached up, touching my head in pain. Ticking reached my ears and I looked around, seeing Nat clicking away at something. She turned to me.

"I contacted Clint. Told him where we were. How's your head?" She asked.

"It's fine. Where are we?" I asked.

"Sokivia. We're going-""Natasha! Rae!" Bruce's voice rang out.

"Bruce." She called out. I stood up when Bruce came running at us. I turned around, ignoring the conversation, giving them a little privacy. I felt Nat push me back slightly and Bruce melted the door handle. I quickly ran out and up the steps.

To the hectic streets of Sokovia.

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