"You know, I think it's time for everyone to get some sleep." I sighed. 

"I'm sorry I let my emotions cloud my judgment. I'm ashamed I actually fought you over something so stupid. Do you think you'll ever forgive me?" Mila asked as she stood up and rubbed her stomach slowly. 

"Weeellll, I don't know." I hummed for effect. Mila frowned. "I'm just kidding. Of course I forgive you." I hugged her tight and walked her to the door. "Please drive home safely." 

"I will." Mila waved goodbye and walked to her car. Once I saw her get inside I closed and locked the door and made my way upstairs. 

I went into the bedroom and stripped off my clothes. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water for my shower. I looked at myself in the mirror while I waited for the water to warm up. 

My body hadn't popped back into place yet. I still had a slightly bloated stomach, stretch marks and my lady parts were all out of proportion. I don't know how Robyn still found me attractive. 

I stepped into the shower and allowed the hot water to wash away all my stress from the past few days. 

I had to remember that I was a parent to three kids now. I had to set a better example for them. I didn't want them to think violence would solve all their problems. I didn't want them to think that fighting and yelling would get the job done either. Robyn and I have to work on censoring some of the things we do around our children. They should always be our man priority.

After my shower, I dried off and put on my robe. I walked into the bedroom and giggled. Robyn was asleep on the bed and A'laya and Nami were cuddled on both sides of her. I smiled and pulled on a night gown before walking across the hall to Ryan's nursery. I looked in his crib and saw him sucking on his hand while he slept peacefully. I pressed a gentle kiss on to his forehead before going back across the hall. 

I turned off the lights, but made sure a night light was plugged in for A'laya before I climbed into bed. 

I pray that everything falls in line for the sake of my children. They deserve happiness and unconditional love.

N e v e r s o n, T r e m a i n e 

"Daddy where's mommy?" Franklin asked as I picked him up from the babysitter. 

I looked at my son and sighed. "You want to go get double scooped chocolate ice cream cones?" 

He looked at me with a frown before nodding. I helped him into the backseat and drove to a near by Braum's. I ordered two ice cream cones and watched him eat the cold treat messily. 

How do I tell a seven year old that his mother has died? How do I tell him that he'd never see his mom again? How do I tell him that she won't be the one to tuck him into bed each night or read him bed time stories any more? 

"Frank, Daddy's got some bad news, but I want you to be a big boy okay?" I spoke to him calmly. 

He nodded. 

"Mommy, won't be coming home. She's up in heaven with the angels now." I explained as simple as I could. 

I saw his lip tremble. His eyes turned red as he dropped his ice cream and wiped furiously at his eyes. 

"Come here son." I stood up and opened my arms. He ran into them and cried against my chest. I walked out of the Braum's and over to my car. I leaned against the hood and rubbed his back soothingly. I could feel my own tears begin to fall. 

I may have slept around, but Kelsey was the mother of my child and my wife. I had so much love for her and she was gone.

What am I supposed to do now?


*Cries* Awww . Poor Franklin... I hope that's what I named the kid.... Y'all know my memory is bad and I'm not good with going back to check.. If it's the wrong name, somebody tell me so I can change it lmfao. 




Comments ? 

I've got the ending planned already.. Well some what.. And I'm such a hopeless romantic .. *sighs in I wish I would be the one marrying Rihanna* oops.   

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