The End

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It's been three years since the trial. Joshua is spending his years in a boxed in prison cell, while I am living my life, happy. I've become stronger and stronger each and every day.

Bruno and I finally moved in together, and we bought, a large home in Santa Barbara, California. Jocelyn is now seven years old, and Andrew is now three. Wow, time flies when you're having fun.

Today was Jocelyn's first day of the second grade, and she had come downstairs for breakfast. She had her backpack with her along with her necklace. Till this day the locket that Jermaine gave Jocelyn has remained a secret of what laid inside. I had Andrew in his high chair, and he was growing to be bulky just like his father. "Mommy tell me a story." Jocelyn said putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. "Isn't it too early for story time?" I asked.

Bruno came from upstairs and said, "It's never too early for story time." Bruno said. "Good morning babe." I said to him. He came to me and kissed my forehead, and he did the same with Jocelyn and Andrew. Although Bruno and Jocelyn weren't father and daughter biologically, they were father and daughter by heart. "Tell me a story." Jocelyn said to Bruno. "Ohh so many, but there is this particular one. It's called the Seductive Liar." He said. I cleared my throat and said, "Haha, babe she's too young to know about that." I said. "Matter of fact, look at the time, you're going to be late to school, let's go." I said. Bruno always liked to tag along in the morning, so he grabbed Andrew and put him in the car.

When we made it to the school, the whole family walked Jocelyn to her designated classroom. The teacher opened the door, and said, "Come on in kids!" All of the kids kissed their parents goodbye, and walked into the classroom. I squatted down, and said, "Make mommy and Pete proud okay?" I said. "Yes mommy." All these years, Jocelyn alwayd called Bruno, 'Pete', and Bruno and I are fine with that. Bruno handed Andrew to me, so he can hug Jocelyn. "Have fun Jojo. I love you." Bruno said. "I love you too daddy."


A/N: Thank you EVERYONE who read, from beginning to end. I really appreciate the comments and votes. I really do from the bottom of my heart. If you didn't see my post from a couple of days ago, I am writing a new story. I plan on posting the Prologue on Friday, January 22nd, so look out for that😉if you have ANY questions, message me here on Wattpad or contact me through Instagram (in my bio). So yeah, let me know how you guys liked this story. Any improvements? Favorite parts of the story? Let me know everything. See yall real soon😘

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