Without Consent

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{Bruno's POV}
I was supposed to be home an hour ago, but ugh this L.A. traffic is awful. I called Rosaria when I was on my way home. No answer. I called her cell phone. No answer. Maybe she went to sleep? Why so early?

I suddenly began to grow with nervousness. She always answers the phone.

I raced to get home and everything seemed fine on the outside of the house, but I was scared to see what happened on the inside. I opened the front door. Unlocked? As I walked in, I heard, "Pete!" Jocelyn it was. She hugged me. She seemed fine. "Where's your brother?" I asked. "He's on the couch. I was watching him." Andrew was sitting upright, but he was crying. I tended to him, and his diaper needed to be changed, immediately.

Once I changed Andrew, I put him to bed. I also put Jocelyn to sleep. "Rosaria?" I called from outside of Jocelyn's room. I opened the door, to where we both sleep. Rosaria, she was laying across the bed, completely naked. She was sleeping. But why was she naked? Why did she leave the kids unattended?

"Rosa." I tapped her arm. "Rosa!" I said louder. She had a dried up tear going down the side of her eye. What the hell?

"Rosaria, please wake up." She slowly opened her eyes. However she reacted as if I were a monster. She moved away from me, covering her nude body. "Rosa, what the hell is the matter with you?" She balled her eyes out. I grabbed a towel, to cover her. "Rosa you need to tell me what happened." I kneeled down.

She looked at me, and said to me with terror and her eyes, "He raped me."

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