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This is was mind blowing. How can a person be so...delusional, so crazy. "We need to get the hell out of here. Who knows he could be watching us right now!" I cried. "Don't worry, we have the best men and women out there looking for him." Liliana attempted to calm me.

I wanted to look at around, see things with my own eyes. Bruno was too shocked, it was difficult for him to move. I opened a drawer and I came across a diary. I snuck it into my pants where investigators won't see it.

"You know what, I can't stay here." I acted as if I could not tolerate this craziness anymore. "Come on Bruno." I said. "I'll give you two some time." Liliana said to us. Bruno and I fled from the scene and walked back to our home. The expression on Bruno's face, he seemed as if he were going to lose his mind. I should've believe him from the start. He didn't trust Joshua, and I didn't believe him.

Bruno fixed Jocelyn and Andrew their food as I went through this diary I discovered. I opened it up to the first page. It appeared to be a normal diary. Entering his daily routine and what interesting things that happened to him. I tried to catch up to date, and that's where it really caught my attention.

"August 16. Today I moved into my new home. Glad to start a new life here. I met a woman today. Just as beautiful. Everything about her was perfect. Too bad she's taken."

I remember that day. I flipped through a couple of days.

"August 24. Rosaria! Ugh that's all I can think about. I want her so bad. I have to have her. Even it takes to remove that good for nothing boyfriend of hers"

He was planning to get rid of Bruno. This caused me to become even more interested in this diary. I finally came across the final entry of the diary before Joshua's escape.

"September 19. I was introduced to this drug name Rohypnol. This will knock her right out. Going to have fun tonight."

He planned this. He planned his attack towards me. "Hey babe what you got there?" I quickly put it behind my back. "Oh nothing." I said with a fake smile.

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