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Bruno's POV
Liliana was acting so out of character. I don't know why she would act this way. Maybe Rosaria was right. I've moved on, but Liliana hasn't. But the way our relationship ended, wouldn't it be the other way around?

"Okay, so should I just rip these files up?" Liliana snickered. "What will it take for you to help her out?" That was something Liliana wanted me to do. Beg. She stood up from her desk, and walked in front of me. She leaned on her desk and crossed her legs. "I want a lot of things from you, but I can't have, but there is one thing." "What is it?" I asked. "Come visit me and Lucy." "I'll visit Lucy."

I stood up, because I knew this was wrong. Liliana grabbed my hand, stopping me from leaving. "Bruno, I know, our relationship didn't really work out, but I've always found a way to forgive you. Remember when we eloped to England? Our love, our time with Lucy? You've seemed to forget about to good times then the bad. All those times you've hurt me. I still found a way to come back to you." Liliana shed a tear.

"I gave you my name. I made you Mrs. Peter Gene Hernandez and you know what you did? You denounced it. That's the most hurtful thing to do to someone. To me. I forgive you, but there is nothing that will make me fall for you again." She hugged me and said, "I wish I could go back in time and fix everything." I kissed her forehead. "So do I. Just please help her. If you do, I'll come every weekend to visit Lucy." Liliana fiddled her fingers. "Deal."

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