New Neighbor

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It's been three days now, since I had my second child. Bruno and I, couldn't leave the hospital without signing the birth certificates, meaning we had to name our child. We thought long and hard about it. Andrew Christopher Hernandez is his full name.

Bruno and I laid in my bed, in my house, sleeping peacefully. It was about 7 a.m. and Andrew was already crying.

I got up from Bruno's comfortable grip to tend to our child. I can tell it wasn't a hungry cry or a change my diaper cry. It was more of a disturbance cry. He was awoken from his sleep. I did hear some loud noises coming from outside. As I attempted to rock Andrew back to slumber, I observed what was going on outside.

Moving trucks. A new neighbor in my neighborhood. I was curious to see who was moving in. Andrew was calming down and slowly falling back to sleep. This is was an easy job, for now.

Once Andrew knocked out, I put him back into his crib, so he can sleep peacefully. I walked to the door and slipped on some sandals. Once I walked out of my house, the dew on the grass and roses, the fresh L.A. air, I knew it was going to be a good day.

I looked around to find where the moving trucks were. It was literally next door. I saw a man standing pretty much on my lawn, and I walked up to him.

"Excuse me? Is someone moving in? Or out?" I asked him. "Oh, I'm moving in pretty lady." He sounded as if we were from the south. That's where my father was from, the south, and he always called women pretty lady. Maybe that's what they do down in the ol' south.

He was tall, muscular, and very handsome. "Joshua Brown" He introduced himself by shaking my hand. He reminded me so much of Jermaine. His dark hair, his well built body, but his eyes, aren't the same. I felt like it was a reincarnation, but without the eyes, it's not my Jermaine.

"Rosaria Torres" I said. "It is a pleasure to meet you." I shook his hand, but he brought it to his lips and kissed my hand. I smiled at him.

"So, are you moving in with your family? Wife? Kids?" He chuckled. "No, I'm moving in alone. I prefer to live in a spacious chateau, by myself." He said. "I know the feeling!" I said.

"What is your occupation?" I asked. "I'm a counselor. Helping people with their problems and what not. How about you?" "I'm a hair and clothing designer" I retorted. "That's nice! You do have beautiful hair!" He said to me. I smiled "Thank you! Well I'll leave you to your new home! It was nice meeting you!" I brought my hand to shake his hand again. "It was nice meeting you too pretty lady." He kissed my hand again. My hand slipped from his, and I walked back to my home.

I walked back inside, and Bruno was already up. He was sitting up, in my bed, and he had someone else in our bed. Jocelyn it was. She's really changed her attitude towards Bruno. Was it the spanking that Ariel gave her? Whatever it was, I'm glad she changed her ways. She was sitting in Bruno's lap, and they were channel surfing. "Whatcha doing Jojo?" I asked. "Me and Pete are gonna watch cartoons!" "Oh, that's what we're watching?" Bruno asked her. She looked at him, and he looked at her. "Well what if I don't want to watch that?" Bruno began to tickle Jojo. She laughed hysterically. I chuckled at their bond.

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