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Before speaking, Bruno took a sip of water that was given to him. He cleared his throat, and licked his lips. "Well, I'm an artist. Musician, singer, song writer, so the night of the attack, I was in a studio in Los Angeles, doing what I do best. I told my wife..." Liliana cleared her throat, and shuffled in her chair when she heard "wife". "That I would be home at eight, but L.A. traffic held me up, and delayed me for an hour." Bruno said. I don't know what was going through Bruno's mind when he found me, possibly believing I was dead.

"I called her, numerous of times, and she never answered, and I became worried. So I drove to her home, where I was staying, since we don't own a home together, and our children were sitting on the couch." "How old are the children?" Garcia asked. "My daughter Jocelyn is four." It always struck me hard, when Bruno referred to Jocelyn as "his daughter", it really shows his love and care for her. "And my two and half month old son, Andrew." Garcia finished writing the names and ages down and made Bruno continue. "I questioned myself why my wife would leave a toddler and an infant on the couch, alone? One of them could have fell, and hit their head, and someone could have been dead." Bruno began to choke on his words. "Before doing anything, I put the children to bed before getting Rosaria. If anything wrong happened, I didn't want the children to become traumatized."

"I called for Rosaria, but there was no answer. I was so scared, that I may walk into a room, and she's dead." It was very rare to see Bruno cry. He took a tissue and dabbed it under his nose. "I walked inside, and...and she was laying there, naked and probably unconscious. I had this feeling, thay something evil happened in that room. I went to her and I tapped her. She reacted in a way, as if I attacked her. And that's when she told me, that Joshua raped her."

"What did you do afterwards?" Garcia asked. "I should've called the police, but, I let my anger out, and I beat him up."

"Okay, Mr. Hernandez, I've heard enough." Garcia said. "Mr Brown, you have been found guilty on the charges of rape, and Mr. Hernandez, since you did admit to the court for attacking Mr. Brown, I do sentence you to 100 hours of community device. The defendant will be sentenced to 10 years in the Los Angeles Men's Penitentiary. Case closed." Garcia slammed her gavel.

Bruno walked to me and kissed me along with a hug. I was relieved that all of this was over. "Congratulations." Liliana said to Bruno and I. "Thank you." Bruno said. "No Liliana, thank you." I hugged her. "No hard feelings?" Liliana asked. I smiled at her and said, "No hard feelings."

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