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I remember waking up in a hospital. I was sore. Everywhere. My head was stitched. What happened?

"Rosaria." I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes, and it was Bruno. My Bruno. He wanted to touch my hand, but I wouldn't allow it. The touch of a man, the touch of a person, disgusted me. "Why am I here?" I asked. "You.." Bruno hesitated. "You hit your head on the cement. When I...was fighting with him, I had pushed you, but I didn't think I pushed you that hard. You seemed fine at first, but you were bleeding, heavily. You nor I noticed it, until you were unconscious." Bruno concluded.

"Where are my kids?" I asked slurring my words. "They're with Ariel." "And Joshua?" "LAPD is looking for him." I looked at the white ceiling.

"Rosa." Bruno said. "I'm so sorry. This is my fault, I shouldn't have let my anger out like that. I could've lost everything. You, my kids. You're everything that I want and need." Bruno added. "No one, was there to protect me." I said. "I wanted to die. No one, has ever taken control of me, in that way." I said.

"Rosaria, I need to tell you something, and I don't know if you'll be mad at me for this." Bruno said. What else could be worse then the position I'm in now? I was raped hours ago, and pounded my skull into cement which nearly killed me. "What Bruno?" I asked. "I have two other children. I've never cheated on you. I was married once before, not for long. When I met you, my divorce was finalized. I felt that when I had met you, you wouldn't love me because I had children already. When I look at Jocelyn and Andrew, they reminded me, that the truth will help you in life." Bruno said.

I didn't know how to react to this. Two other kids? He has three children in total. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "I guess I should be asking you the same thing when you were cheating on your husband with me." Bruno said. "We were scared. Running away from our problems. You feeling that Jermaine didn't love you. Me trying to get my ex wife out of my life. You can't run away from your past, you can only face them." Bruno added. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked. "Because we have to take this rape incident to court. You're going to need a lawyer that's never lost a case. A lawyer who's gotten me through a lot of shit, and a lawyer that will grant you justice. Liliana Peters.
Hey guys!
Yes, you are right! If you read my previous fanfiction, The Lawyer, this is the main character from that story. If you haven't read The Lawyer, go ahead and check it out. I just thought that adding a character from a previous fanfiction will draw more attention.
P.S., The Lawyer is just the story between Liliana and Bruno, which is very interesting. It is a completed story. I hope you're all enjoying this current story

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