New Sibling

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The nurses rolled me to a recovery room, where visitors were allowed to visit. Ariel, Chyna, and Jocelyn all came into my room to see the baby. Bruno and I hadn't discussed names yet, due to all the problems going on.

Chyna was excited to see the newborn. She played with his hands and his feet. She acted as if it were her brother that was born. "Jojo, come meet your baby brother." I said. She walked up to the side of the bed, but she couldn't see anything. "Come sit on my lap Jocelyn, so you can see better." Bruno said. Jocelyn, hesitant to do so, but gave in. She walked over to Bruno and climbed into his lap.

Jocelyn, gazing at her younger brother, I can tell she was intrigued. "You're a big sister now Jocelyn, you have to promise me, that you will love him, respect him, protect him, and care for him all the time." I said to her. She grabbed her necklace again. "Okay." She retorted.

When Jocelyn said earlier that she was sleepy, she wasn't kidding. She had fell asleep in the arms of Bruno. Her face was planted onto his broad chest, and his thick arms held her, protected her. She was peacefully sleeping. This is how I wanted life to be.

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