Time Passed

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I was about 8 months pregnant, and in about an hour, Bruno and I are going to take Jocelyn out for a fun day, for her 5th birthday. She was so excited to go to a small trampoline park, the community built a couple of months ago. Bruno and I thought this would be a great investment for her.

"Jojo, let's go!" I called her. "She ran out with a big smile on her face. "It's my birthday! Its my birthday." She chanted aloud. "Yes it is baby girl." I said. "Jocelyn, I want to give you a present." Bruno kneeled down to her. Bruno handed her a box, which seemed almost bigger than her. She sat down, and opened her gift. "Ahh!" She screamed to the top of her lungs.

"What did you get baby?" I asked. "I got a Barbie!" She smiled. "And look what the Barbies name is." Bruno pointed on the box. "Jocelyn." She read. "Aww Bruno." I said to him. "That is so sweet of you." Bruno got back onto his feet and kissed me. Jocelyn must have seen our lips meet, because her precious smile, faded then died completely. It's weird feeling the tension coming from a five year old. "Well, let's get on going!" Bruno said. "Yes!" I agreed. I grabbed Jocelyn's hand, and noticed she had on a necklace. I never gave her a necklace. "Jojo, where did you get that necklace?" I asked. "Daddy gave it to me." She said. It appeared to be a locket. "Can I see it?" I attempted to open it, but she resisted. She covered it, and turned her back to me. "You're not going to let me see your necklace?" "No."

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