Chapter 52: Anticipation

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"Well It looks like you are about 5 centimeters Dilated. We will check back in with you in about an hour. Do you want an Epidural or do you want a natural birth?" Asks Dr. Chase.

"I want the epidural." Taylor screams.

The doctor had somewhat of a frightened look before leaving the room. I chuckle to myself.

I sat down on a couch in the corner beside Taylor. She was busy cursing at the pain. I grabbed my phone and decided to tweet the mahomies.

@AustinMahone: well looks like Taylor's having the baby. Wish us luck!

A few seconds later I begin seeing tweets. Hate tweets. Everyone hates Taylor and I know it. She knows it. I honestly don't care. As long as I'm happy right? Wait. Am I even happy?

I see some tweets from mahomies that catch my eye.

@AustinMahone she's having the baby on your birthday? Damn that sucks.

@AustinMahone birthday baby or birthday disaster?

Birthday? Today's not my birthday it's only... April 4th. DAMMIT!

Through all the chaos I didn't even realize it was 3 am on my birthday. Ugh. I honestly don't want to have this baby born today but I guess I can't help it.

Time goes by faster than expected. Taylor got her epidural and the doctor checked her one last time before telling us she was dilated a full 10 centimeters now.

I cringed as the doctor handed me Taylor's foot to hold up as she pushed. C'mon the least she could have done is got a pedicure.

"Okay Taylor, push on 3. 1, 2, 3!"

Tay yelled as loud as she possibly could until I saw a head. The baby had black hair? This is weird because Taylor has blonde hair and mines brown. Oh well it must be some weird newborn thing.

The doctor tells taylor to push one more time. After yelling and screaming, a baby boy is lying on Taylor's chest and I'm crying.

I'm not crying because I have a son. That's the complete opposite. This is not my baby.

I look in complete shock at the small person fussing next to me. It had dark brown skin and jet black hair. I look at Taylor who looks complete beat down but then when her eyes catch mine, she laughs.

"What? You've never been played before?" Her words slice through me like knives. I clench my hands together to form fists.

"Happy birthday Austy." She says before laughing like a fucking psychopath.

I run out of the room and slam against the wall. I slowly drift down until my head is in my hands and I'm yelling. I don't care if this is a fucking hospital. I don't care if it's now 5 in the morning. That baby was not mine. She used me. How could she do that? I gave her everything. I supported her and bought her and that baby all sorts of things.

My mother must of heard me because she was at my side, hugging me and asking what was wrong. I hugged back and cried into her arms like I was a little boy. I told her everything and she was appalled.

"C'mon. We're leaving." She says.

She pulls me up and wraps her arm around me. We walk out of the hospital and begin driving silently back to the condos. I didn't even feel bad that I was leaving Taylor and her baby at the hospital. I didn't care anymore.

She placed her hand on top of mine, soothing me. Usually I would have swatted her hand away but she was my mom. Now I realize that she's done everything for me. She would go to the moon and back a thousand times because she loves me. I've always taken her for Granted and now I realize that I was wrong. I would be nowhere without my mom and I am very thankful for her.

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