Chapter 44: This Is It

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❤Austin's Point of View❤ 

I held Delilah close to me although I wasn't quite sure what to do. 

We just made love and I know we've done it plenty of times before but I just can't remember. That felt like our first time. 

Now she's sitting down in my lap while I rub circles in her back after he threw up. Was I that bad? 

Before I could think anything else, Lilah's eyes got real wide as a look of horror spread across her face. It looked like she has just realized something that wasn't going to be good. 

"Are you okay?" I ask. 

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes as she shakes her head. 

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask holding her tighter. 

"Will you drive me to the pharmacy?" She whispers. 

"Its 3 am! Can't you wait until the morning?" I ask with a slight yawn. 

The look in her eyes told me that I should probably do what she's asked. 

She stood up then grabbed my hand to help me up as well. 

She rushed to her closet as she threw on the nearest clothes she could find while I was still limping towards my pile of clothes on the other side of her bed. 

When I was finally dressed she was already half way down stairs. Damn she's fast. 

I grabbed my crutches then stumbled down the dark stairwell. 

I finally made it to the bottom when I realized I didn't have my car.  

Dave told me it was in the shop from the accident and that I would get it back in a few days. 

But didn't he also mention I had a rental? 

I try my hardest to remember what he said then look to my left and see rental keys. Jackpot! 

I grab those keys then head on to the elevator. 

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" I ask when the elevator doors close. 

"Well, um... You probably don't remember because of your head but before the accident I was really stressed out. I was tired and hungry all the time. I felt dizzy. I threw up in the mornings..." Her voice trails off as if she thought that I understood what she had said but I was still really confused. 

"I've noticed that I've been gaining unwanted weight here lately as well." She continued. 

I was still confused as we made our way to the parking lot and I hit the car alarm so I would know which car was the rental. 

I finally found it and opened the door for Lilah which made her smile. 

I walked around and got in myself. 

"Seriously why are we going to the pharmacy at 3 in the morning?!" I ask again, this time with a yawn. 

"Austin. I think I'm pregnant." 

And that was when I slammed on the breaks. 

"What?" I whisper. Oh no. 

"I've shown almost all of the symptoms." She replied so quietly, I could barely hear her. 

"B-But you're on birth control!" 

"Yeah um... About that..." 

"You are on birth control. Right?" I say, my voice getting louder. 

"I may have skipped a few days when we had a fight. But I started back up immediately!" 

"But doesn't it take a week for it to regulate through your body again?!" I panic. 

"Shit." She mutters. 

I hit the gas and floored it, going 70 down a neighborhood street.  

We had finally arrived at the 24 hour CVS. 

I had walked in with Lilah but then I decided just to stay by the front. 

I looked down at all the magazines and smiled when I saw my face on almost all of them. 

"A-Are you austin mahone?!" Squeals a voice coming from my left. 

I turn and see a blonde girl who looks around 7 wearing a mahomie shirt. 

I bend down, ignoring the sharp pains in my knee, so that I'm at eye level with her. 

"Yes I am. I like your shirt." I smile. 

"Thank you." Aww. 

"What's your name?"  

I ask. 


Are all Taylor's in this world, blonde? Hmm. 

"Can you sign this? It's the only thing I have." She says politely. 

I look at what she's holding out to me and laugh when I see an iPhone 5. Kids these days. 

I take the silver sharpie in her hand and sign the back of her phone. 

"Thanks austin!" She giggles. 

"No problem sweetie." 

She runs off to a woman who seems to be her mom and jumps up and down. 

That was sweet. Wait why was a 7 year old at CVS at 3 in the morning? Oh well. 

When Lilah comes back with a pregnancy test, my thoughts come back to reality. 

"Who was that cutie?" She smiles. 

"Oh just a little mahomie." 

"Well that was adorable." She admits then pays the cashier. 

Then I get to thinking. 

I may actually be a good father someday. 

❤Delilah's Point of View❤ 

We had finally arrived back in my room and quickly shut and locked the door. 

We went into the bathroom and locked that door as well. 

I take a deep breathe before ripping the package up and taking the white stick out. 

"Here goes nothing." I mutter. 

I absentmindedly pull my pants down and pee on the stick. 

When I'm done I hear austin laugh. 

"I could've left you know."  

"I know. I'm just scared." I set the test of the counter. 

"There's no reason to be scared. I'm here with you. Whatever happens, I'll be with you every step of the way. I may not remember everything but I'm sure as hell gonna try. These next 5 minutes will be the most important in our whole life. But everything going to be okay." 

I really hope he's telling the truth. 

And that was the beginning of the slowest 5 minutes in history. 

It was quiet but not awkward. It was a good silence. Well until my phone started beeping telling us it was Time. 

"So the plus sign means positive and the minus sign means negative right?" Austin asks with full interest. I just nod. 

I breathe in, terrified. 

I turn my body to face the sink then feel Austin's arms wrap around my waist from behind. 

This is it. 

I flip the test over and look at the results. 


Oh. Em. Gee.

Quick question:

Do you want Lilah to be pregnant or not?

Comment your thoughts❤

(Btw follow @MahonesHairFlip)

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