Chapter 5: Dolphins

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I just sat there, speechless. How? When? Why?

He came in wearing his pale green uniform with the words ‘LT. Jane’ written on them. He had a big smile on his face and a bouquet of yellow roses. My favorites.

“Hey baby girl!” he said.

“Daddy?” I said. He came to me and hugged me really tight. I was smiling.

“When did you get back? Why? What?”

He chuckled and pulled away. I noticed tears stains on his chest and realized I was crying.

“I got back just a few hours ago! Your mother called and said you had fallen and fractured your ankle so I came right up here! You’re boyfriend Austin set it all up!”

I looked at Austin and he smiled. “Surprise!”

“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe this! Wait, you guys talked?”

I was starting to get kinda scared because usually my father chases off my boyfriends. But ever since he was sent off to Iraq 3 years ago, I could never have a real relationship. But Austin changed that.

“W-what did you talk about?” I stutter.

“Oh just guy stuff! And that if he ever broke my little girl’s heart, I would just murder him!” he smiles but I’m pretty sure he’s serious.

“Oh great!” I say sarcastically. “So how long are you staying?” I ask.

“Just for 3 weeks.”

I sigh.

“I know sweetheart! But I will be back officially in the spring.”

“Okay! So I’m not trying to be rude, but why are you back?”

“Well, don’t tell anyone. Not even you lover boy!” he says and points to Austin who is licking the empty bag of skittles.

“Okay? Don’t tell anyone what?”

“It’s you mother and I’s 20th anniversary Sunday and I was going to re-do our proposal and ask her to re-new our vowels!”

“Awwww Daddy!” I say and hug him again. “That is so romantic!! Aww, you’re going to make me cry again!”

He laughs once more.

“So what I was thinking is that since you are moving to Miami today, we would just fly with you and stay until Monday. That way we can re-new the vowels on the beach where your mother has always wanted to go!”

“Oh my gosh! That is awesome! Wait! Did you say I was moving to Miami?! You guys are letting me??”

“Yes! I trust Austin! Okay not really but I trust his mother!” my dad laughs. I’m glad I get to hear him laugh now.

“I can’t wait!! So am I going to be mom’s maid of honor?”

“Of course!”

“Then who’s going to be your best man?”

He turns to Austin. No way.

“Austin Mahone, here!”

“Oh no, sir. That is such a good honor but I’m not sure you would want me out of all people…”

“Whatever! You’re in the family now!” my dad smiles.

This is the best day ever! Other than hurting my foot. :/

Eventually the nurses come in and tell everyone to get out. Austin squeezes my hand one last time then leaves.

The nurses begin applying the cast.

Making Love to Austin Carter Mahone (Austin Mahone Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now