Sunday Sept. 9th: I Would Lie & Say That You're Not On My Mind

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Title: Not Over You- Gavin DeGraw

(Isaac's P.O.V)

Penner went home last night after midnight after watching 21 Jump Street, The Shining and Batman Forever. After the first movie we didn't really pay any attention to what was happening in them, we were more focused on just getting to know each other better.

I learned that Penner had a friend named Jason and they were getting closer. I'm sure Penner realized that I was becoming uncomfortable with him talking about being with someone other than myself so he changed the subject.

And then the morning came. Of course breakfast was awkward, I mean who was I going to fool into thinking it wasn't? Nixon didn't give one glance at me, he just kept his head down and ate his food silently. I'm glad he was acting like this, that way he wouldn't see me giving him a full on stare down during the most important meal of the day.

I wasn't planning on doing anything today, I was going to finish reading Boswell's London Journal. But that was before a shriek came from the patio.

"What is going on?" I said to myself as I rushed to the back door.

"Katherine you did this! I hate you!" Trey yelled towards my younger sister, obviously unable to hear a word he was saying. I pushed the sliding door open just in time for Trey to come running at me with watery eyes.

"Whoa stop, stop why did you yell at Katherine like that?" I asked kneeling down to look him in the eye.

"She let Simba out of the gate," He whimpered, a few tears coming down his cheeks. "I hate-."

"Hey, you don't hate Kitty, she is your sister."

"Simba is gone. Just because everyone else hated him doesn't mean I did. I love Simba." He cried. Simba is the family cat who is eight years old. My parents got him the same year that Trey was born because they thought Simba would keep us company while they looked after Trey.

"It's okay buddy, no more tears," I wiped some of the tears from his chin. "I'll go looking for him okay."

"I can go, too." Trey offered.

"No you should stay here. Just in case he comes back."

"I guess." A pout came upon his face.

"Don't blame Katherine for this, she didn't know." He gave me one last nod before running past me and up the stairs into his room. Nixon was cooped up in his and dad was helping mom with the laundry.

You would assume that I would tell them where I'm going, but as my mom said when we moved here I'm almost an adult and I need to learn to be one.

I quickly ran up to my room and grabbed my shoes and keys before backing out of the driveway in my car. I first headed to the local library to make some 'Lost Cat' signs with the computers and printers they had available.

Lucky enough I had a picture of Simba saved on my phone from a couple years ago when we went to Minnesota for Christmas. My Grandparents at the time had no clue that Simba existed and I needed to bring a picture along to give them proof.

I made around 25 copies to hang on the street poles and shops. The first place entered was the diner, where I found Carly drooling over the new bartender. I asked the owner, Morgan's mom, if it would be possible for her to hang it up in her shop. She thankfully agreed as I left to move onto the next place.

When I walked past the 'Stoner Pit' I couldn't help but think back to what happened there yesterday. All the things that Penner said happens down in that dark alley Nixon was now a part of.

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