Monday, Sept. 3rd: Carry On My Own Life

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So even though I haven't reached 10 reads yet I DID get a vote!!! So I thought that counted as 2 reads to equal 10... so props to me and whoever voted because you are awesome so major thumbs up! I really liked how this one turned out and considering the opinions of others you might not like it. Probably won't post until Saturday or Sunday so hopefully the chapters I've uploaded so far will hold all of you until then. Isaac's brother Trey is holding the spot in the multimedia for their first day of school.

Title: Afterlife- Avenged Sevenfold

(Isaac's P.O.V)

It was time to man up for craps sake. I mean let’s get completely real here. I’m 17 years old and I’m scared for the first day of school. How much more pathetic can I get?

“Toast. I can make toast.” My mom blurted as I walked into the kitchen before I headed off to school.

“It's all about the coffee, Mom.” I murmured searching through every cabinet for a cup, still trying to get used to where everything was.

“Is there coffee?” Nixon said rounding the corner, taking the cup from my hand.

“It’s your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?” She asked looking around the house in a hurry.

“I'm good.” I responded pouring myself another cup of coffee.

“Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?” She questioned almost spinning in circles.

“Don't you have a big presentation today?” I wondered handing Trey a cup of orange juice.

“I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at— now. Crap!” She yelled throwing on a jacket and shoes.

“Then go. We'll be fine. I’ll take care of Katherine.” I reassured her, setting down my cup, making my way through the kitchen and to the stairs.

“You okay?” I asked Nixon from his place on the couch.

“Don't start.” He said taking a sip of his coffee before getting up and putting on his jacket.

I turned to head up the stairs when I saw Katherine slowly making her way down one step at a time, holding onto the railing tightly.

Are you hungry?” I asked her.

Can I have some milk?” She questioned grabbing onto my pants.

Of course you can.” I responded setting her in her booster chair. I quickly pulled out her Sippy cup and a few pieces of watermelon for her to eat.

The time was nearing 7:10 AM and with my school starting at 8 I needed to get everyone ready to go. Nixon was working on his latest Sudoku puzzle at the kitchen table, Trey was watching his early morning cartoons and I still needed to get Katherine ready to go.

Are you done Kitty? I said reaching for her plate. She nodded her head at me and she was trying to get out of her seat. I placed her cup in the sink and picked her up, carrying her to her room.

I wiped the left over watermelon residue from her cheek changing her from her pajamas into a green shirt and purple pants.

Braids.” She requested. I split her hair down the middle giving her two pigtail braids with pink bows at the end to tie them up.

7:30. I have plenty of time.

“Okay Trey turn the TV off and get your sneakers on please.” I asked softly bringing his book bag and putting it on the couch.

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