Friday Sept. 7th: A New Day Is Coming

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You don't have to say anything. I know. I've been a jerk because I left you guys hanging for what seemed like years and years. I just hope that somewhere deep down you all can forgive me!! I just want you all to know that Jai is in the multimedia... iloveyouallbunches.

Title: Attack- 30 Seconds to Mars

(Penner's P.O.V)

"Maybe you weren't clear enough?" Rico said into the phone.

"But I did what you said to do. I made a move to see whether or not he would respond and he ran away like a scared girl! I've ruined everything." I explained to him. Before the meeting with Isaac just hours prior, Rico gave me some advice to figure out if Isaac was gay or not. Because you see, from the moment I laid eyes on Isaac in the graveyard the feeling I got inside of me never went away. And now knowing that I would never have him as my own just made that feeling grow even stronger if that were even possible.

"I think he's trying to figure out the same thing you are. You know how hard it was for you to even tell me, just imagine how hard it is for him considering that you're famous and all," Rico did make a good point I guess.

"And it's not like I'm doing so well in the dating department either. Maybe you should've asked Meena or Zander, I mean they've been together how long?"

"See! That's what I want. I want people to say, 'Dang they're still together?' I mean is it really that much to ask?"

"People did say that when you were still with Tyson for two years."

"And you know exactly why we're not together anymore. There's not even a question whether or not we will get back together." I snapped at him.

"Penner," Rico let out a sigh. "You know I didn't mean it like that. I guess what I'm trying to say is, is that if you can last that long with Tyson, someone you will hate for the rest of your life, just imagine how long you are going to last with Isaac."

I kept quiet for a moment as my heartbeat quickened at the thought of Isaac and I together. A smile came upon my face.

"Penner you're still there right?" Rico said into the phone.

"Yeah I'm here." I spoke slipping out of my thoughts.

"Good because Zander wants to talk to you."

"Wait hang on, he's there with you? I thought he went back to Seattle?"

"Yeah well things weren't going on too well there. His brother got into a physical fight with his dad and he needed to get out of there. I told him he could stay with me and Carmen."

"Oh okay, well let me talk to him." I heard rustling on the other end of the phone before an excited Zander shouted into the phone.

"Penner! Did you hear what management is having us do?"

"No, what are you talking about?"

"For one week every month you, me, Rico and Boone have to get together in New York for meetings and stuff. We can even bring siblings and girlfriends and everything! It'll be just like old times!" He shouted.

"They can't do this can they? They said four months and that means four months. We've been on tour for two years straight! What about my life here? And the life of everyone else?"

"I don't know man but you'll get more info when the time comes."

"That's just great," I sighed. "So how are things? I mean, given everything that's going on."

"Rico must have told you then am I right?" I didn't answer.

"Well, I've been better. My dad found Rusty behind the garage smoking weed with some friends from school. I mean would you expect a 13 year old to do something like that?" Zander scoffed.

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