Chapter Veintiuno

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“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

Even though it was merely a month, give or take, my father seemed about 7 years older. His skin was pale, wrinkled, there were bags under his eyes, heck, he's even started growing a moustache. Something about him Has it really been that long? Has leaving him to protect myself scarred him mentally? 

But as soon as he saw my face, his eyes brightened, and a smile curved his lips. And then he saw me. And his smile dropped, and his eyes glistened with worry. Officer Hildebrand ran over to me, and gave me a squeeze. That's when I felt guilty for forgetting about him. Oops! "Oh my Quinn..... We've missed you so much.... Especially your mother. We're going to take you back right now. No more of this crap. You don't have to worry about anything now." 

I pasted a smile on my face, one that he'd expect to see, and peeled off of him. "Gee Dad. Jimmies I've missed you guys so much!" A voice rang in my head, liar! I continued, "But you see, here, there's a few things that have to be handled before I'm going anywhere. You see my good friend,--" My father cut me off, "I said no more crap, Quinn. We're leaving right now." I looked up at him, shocked, my pasted smile gone. I looked him dead in the eye. "This is my friend we're talking about. I see you've got the nerve to call anything concerning my friend crap. Now that's not going to work with me. Sorry Pops, but no. And my other friend is in the hospital, so when I rescue my friend from that house I will come back here to see my other friend."

I looked up to him long enough to see his baffled expression. "Yes Dad. I've been through a shit-load of crap, but I'd do it all over again to help my friend. I see that type of loyalty doesn't apply for you." I turned away before I could see his expression. A part of my felt guilty as a mother fugger, but the other half was like, nah.. its cool its cool.. I walked over to another police officer, and said that I knew where Aura was. He nodded and I realized the name on his badge. Officer Alonso. He led me to his police car, and I was forced to sit in the back. By then the rain has stopped, and I was able to give him his own house!?

I smacked my face. Why pick this Officer! I got out of the car, ran inside the house, up the stairs, and into the room.

And there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Aura was gone. Rose was gone. All evidence was gone. Poof! I stared at the room with eyes wide open, and turned to Officer Alonso as he walked up the stairs and walked toward me. "Is there anything you were particularly looking for?" He asked, curious. I opened my mouth to speak, but really, what could I say? What was there to say? There was no evidence, how would I explain myself?

Frustrated, I looked around. Aura had to be somewhere. "Officer, would you mind conducting a thorough search throughout your home? My friend was here before I left,..." Alonso looked around and shrugged, "She has two legs. She probably walked off. Why don't we get you home, Quinn?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Ah, I don't think so." With a polite smile, I dashed like a fuggernugger, slamming doors open, and peeking inside.

Alonso raced after me, "Quinn what are you doing! How about we sit down and have a nice conversation!" I shook my head, searching frantically. "No time for that. There's no time. You don't seem to get THAT!" 

Thats when I heard a bark. Muffled, but still a bark. 'Twas a very distinguished bark, one you could never forget. I slammed open the last door, and out ran Miška. I wrapped my arms around my small dog, and nearly fell back. She barked, and yelped with joy. I looked up at Alonso, "This is my dog, Officer Alonso Alvaro. Would you mind explaining how she ended up in your house?" 

With that my faithful pup barked, and ran off. I jumped up, and chased after her.

And what do you know? We've found ourselves an unconscious Aura tucked away in an unknown cellar, and a missing rose.

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