Chapter Cinco

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DESPITE how much I tried, I never did fall asleep with Mirabelle in the room. I can't begin to explain the agonizing pain I felt, it was like I was being torn into a million pieces. I recognized Turf's voice, and it rolled over and over inside my head. A tape rewinding and playing again and again. Then there was Mirabelle's, higher pitched, and breathy.

I pressed my lips together, tears rolling down my cheeks, but I wasn't making a single sound. Then there was a crash from downstairs, somebody was here. My body went ice cold, and my heart was surging with hope. Please find me up here, please find me up here, please find me.

Turf and Mirabelle paused for one breathtaking moment, but when no other sounds came from below us they continued.

Then I heard the distinctive sound of steps going up the stairs. I didn't know what time it was, if it was the morning, or hell, if it was still night. Mirabelle heard it too, and she pushed Turf off of the bed. "Go. Go, get out." She told him, and Turf walked over to the window.

"Again later," He asked, but it seemed more like a promise, and my heart exploded. I can't do this again. I won't be able to live through it.

Mirabelle shook her head, "No I'm going down with you." I didn't know what to think. What would I say to whoever finds me? Will they believe me if I tell them that Mirabelle scarred me for life? Or will they side with my sister, like everyone else?

Then our door opened, and someone walked in. It was dad. Somebody had come for me after all.

I made myself speak, it was excruciating. "Help." I whispered, and I wasn't even sure if he heard.

"Heavens, Lora-Belle is that you? Are you alright?" Yes, I'm perfectly fine. That's why I'm crumpled on the floor, with a broken hand, and a shredded heart.

Dad crouched down by me, checking my pulse, making sure I was alive. It was kind of funny because my DAD had to call 9-1-1. (You get it? Cause he is 911, ah whatever...)

"Lora-Belle, everything is alright now. We're going to get you to the hospital, and you're going to feel good as new."


I'm now at the hospital. They fixed my hand, but won't tell me anything about what happened to my body. Why I felt paralyzed. It was all kept on the DL, away from me. It was so aggravating because this was my body, and I have the right to know.

I can speak now, but I'm not feeling "good as new". It all sucks because out of all of the people, this shit had to happen to me. Out of all of the loving sisters out there, I got paired with one who'd eat me alive. I got a sister who knows what makes me tick, and uses it against me.

I wanted to tell someone, anyone, but in the end it'll be Mirabelle's word against mine. I don't have any solid proof against her, so it'd be difficult to accuse her.

At the hospital, all alone, I was able to connect a few dots. Or at least try to. Mirabelle wasn't at the hospital, so why would mom leave me that note? Maybe mom thought Mirabelle was in the hospital, went to go check on her, and find out she was never there? And then find out that Mirabelle was in our room the whole entire time? It wasn't adding up. Nothing was.

So if Mirabelle was at the club, like the note implied, then I should've seen her when I was looking for Shouelle. She couldn't have been in an ambulance, because she wouldn't have made it to the house at that time. The hospital would've made her wait for dad or mom.

Or maybe she was at the club, and left just when the fire started. Somebody could've seen her, and when the police and paramedics came, that somebody could've told them that she was in there? Shit I don't know. I'm making this more confusing that it really is.

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