Chapter Doce

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Kasper Sholette Shoppe For the Extravagantly Elegant happened to be closed on that Thursday afternoon, therefore Aura dragged me into another shop called Juniper's Dresses. It wasn't as fancy, but we still managed to try on a few dresses for the dance. Of course Aura all ready had her dress tucked safely away into her closet by then, prepared for the dance that will take place this upcoming Saturday, and I, of course, didn't.

I still have a cast on my leg, but luckily I can start wobbling on my own now. Do you understand how terrible it feels to be a crippled teenager? Actually, it wasn't that bad, but walking on two feet beats it by a mile.

I walked into one of the fitting rooms, and changed into a long yellow dress. Adjusting the upper part of the dress, I walked outside to show Aura. She smiled, shrugged, and said "Its beautiful, but... maybe we could have yours a bit more...custom made. We'll just ask the manager for a few... minor adjustments, and it'd be perfect." I gagged, "I don't want this dress to revolve around my injury, Aura. When my cast comes off, I want the dress to look better, not weird because it was meant for a crippled younging." Aura stared at the dress and sighed. "Its just... It'd be so much easier to do this shopping thing without the cast. Sorry for trying to take the easy way out Quinn, I'm just really tired, and I want to get this dress shopping thing out of our hair. I just want everything to work out perfectly, you know?"

I sighed, and patted the bright yellow dress, "Yeah. I think we all do. How about I take this dress off, and we go across the street to Jiminies Ice Cream Parlor?" Aura'a gaze matched up to my own, "Cocoa Coffee Ice Cream?" I grinned, "One road separates us from 2 large waffle cones. . . That road doesn't stand a chance."

* * *

Jiminies Ice Cream Parlor was packed with a wide variety of customers. There were Asians, there were Mexicans, there were British folk, there were the Amish, and then there was Conner. He had this little uniform with a hat and a name tag and everything. I wasn't the one who recognized him, because I've never met him in person, but I must admit how awkward it had been for me that very moment.

You should have seen Aura's face light up as she walked through that door, and then my face drop in comparison. Honestly, this Conner boy is fairly good looking, he looks like a good guy, but that wasn't the problem. Every alarm in my head went off saying gay alert, gay alert! I have no problem with gay people, honestly, they're cool, but I do have a problem if my new best friend has this enormous crush on one! How am I supposed to tell her? Should I?

Maybe he isn't gay.

I watched him wipe down a table.

Nope. This dude is seriously gay.

What do I do? Should I say anything now? I have to talk to this guy, and set it straight. Aura wrapped her arm around his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. I felt my heart lurch and shatter.

It reminded me of Tuscan and Shouelle so much that I felt my eyes water. But this is different, I reminded myself. This time she won't die. This time she's with a gay dude. The past won't repeat. The past won't repeat. My past won't repeat.

Words fogged my brain, and I told myself this over and over, but it became less convincing by the moment.

Aura introduced us. "Quinn, this is Conner. Conner this is Quinn." He stretched his arm out, and I shook it gently, rapidly blinking my watery eyes. He didn't even give a manly handshake for heaven's sake! "Are you guys going to the dance together?" I asked politely, as if I didn't already know, and Conner nodded enthusiastically and smiled. "Most definitely! I asked her a few days ago at that one corn dog palace. Are you---Do you go to our school? We should totally hang out, maybe go on a double date?" I shrugged, suddenly feeling extremely awkward. "She does go to our school, I can't believe you haven't noticed her before. Quinn helps out with technical stuff around the school, and even has an account online, you'd recognize her if you knew her username..." Aura explained, and I noticed the ice cream line growing larger by the minute.

"So whats the best ice cream in this place?" I asked, and Conner gestured up at the menu with a flick of the wrist. "Well the Mango Twist has this tangy taste that stays on your tongue, you know, and then there is the Melted Carmel Chunk which is really sweet on your tooth...OOo and we have the Banana Bangs Smoothie, its probably my favorite..."

Banana Bangs? Lord have mercy...

+ + +

 Its Friday. The day before the stupid dance, and I don't even have a stupid dress yet. Logan still doesn't know I'll be tagging along, and I'm anticipating his response once he finds out. He'll be surprised, thats for sure, but I don't know much beyond that. Will he be angry? Will he be cool with it? Will he not even care at all? Boys can be so unpredictable.

Speaking of boys, Aura said that she has finally found the perfect guy for me using her school's chatbook. She didn't drop me a name, picture, or even his username, which is annoying and is making me suspicious. She wouldn't pair me up with a dork, would she? Or a jerk? Please don't tell me she put me with a jerk.

Then there's Rocco, who should be at Ella's house around the time Aura picks me up, which would be after the time Logan leaves. This means we'll be fashionably late to her dance thing. I wonder when it ends, and if it'll be good enough to squeeze information out of Rocco. I needed information, and I needed it bad.

While walking through Kyles Street and Ryethmn Road I just happened to stumble upon a small shop named Gullivan's Jubilee, and in its window was the dress I was born to wear. I stared up at it for a moment, basking in its glory, and then rushed into the store as if the dress would self-destruct in thirty seconds.

The dress had a long train, showed off my leg and my cast, fitted my waist, pushed up my chest, and I felt pride in knowing that I found it by myself. It was a shade of purple at the top, and melted into a deep ocean blue. The fabric was silky, and felt soothing against my skin. Now this was a dress to die for.

I took it off, bought it, and went back to Ella's place. Logan was off at someone's house at the moment, and I couldn't help thinking about him. Our relationship was more like family than man I want to bang you like a Congo. The same question rings through my head at least once every two days, 'And how did I end up living with this guy?' I can't deny that Logan now looks like ten times better than he looked back when he was I nerd. I mean, he still is a nerd at heart, he just is a nerd with a better fashion taste. I kind of miss him lurking around Ella's place instead of banging some girl in their homes when their parents aren't home. And no Logan, your cologne doesn't hide the scent of wrong-doing.

Apparently he's learned to take girls to their place instead of his because I'm here, and I'm watching over him. Its hard to explain, but I still feel like I have to watch over him. Like he's my responsibility. We still bicker and snicker and argue and poke fun at each other, but ever since I told him about my past things have been.....different. I haven't decided if it was good,...or bad.

Aura just told me that Logan was taking some Hawaiian chick named Savannah to the dance. At that precise moment, I wasn't sure what I'd felt. Sick or happy? Nervous? Excited? A gut wrenching disease? A sheer moment of sparkling bliss? I honestly didn't know, but what I did know was that I've never felt it before. I never in my life would have thought it could have been jealousy, but looking back I say that it could've been. I, Quinn, might have been jealous. There wasn't a reason to be jealous though. No reason at all. Logan was like a brother, and has his own life. He goes with whoever suits him.

That Friday night I was going to tell Aura about Conner. I swear, I was planning on it, but when the moment came I blanked out. Why should I piss on her party parade? She's having fun, I'll just tell her after the dance.. Or before they get too serious. Maybe I should just ask Conner if he's bi, then I'll know for sure, and if he is I'll tell Aura right away. Perhaps Aura already knows, and is cool with it. I honestly don't know, and it sucks, but what I do know is that tomorrow I'm going to the dance, and tomorrow I'm going to rock this bitch.

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